The third Lagos Make-Up Fair....

Hello beautiful people. Hope you all had an amazing weekend. I had a splendid one, and I have so much to tell you about how my weekend went. It was " make-up-full ". I was at The Lagos Make-Up Fair 3 organized by POPS Concept and sponsored by Maybelline, Newyork ( you can google them later ). It was a 2-day program that held from the 21st till the 22nd of June, 2014. I worked with one of the beautiful people in the make-up industry ( Haute Beauty World ); and we had so many people visiting our stand for products. One more thing... I took a lot of pictures but I will be dropping just a few right now. I'd drop the others later. Trust me, y'all are going to enjoy going through the pictures. Have fun while at it. *wink* **************** Day 1: That's me at the Haute Beauty World Stand The products we put up for sale. Don't you just love make-up? *wink* Me at work. That's Damilola, a super duper sweet girl ... And that was after ...