The Third Lagos Make-Up Fair (II)

Hi guys. How have y'all been? Happy New Month!!!!!!! *I'm literally screaming here* Let me start by apologizing for the delay in posting the second part of my experience at the third Lagos Make-up fair organized by Pops Concepts and sponsored by Maybelline Newyork. I've been swamped with work, believe me. Anyway, I'm back today with the rest of my story that I'd be depicting with pictures. Don't we just love pictures? *wink*. Enjoy the read! There was a mobile ATM at the fair, just in case you ran out of cash to buy products. Nice Idea, right? That's the CEO, Haute Beauty World: Mrs. 'Biola Ologunro. Make-up is fun; there's always something to giggle about when make-up is involved... lol That's our stand. Colorful, right? And that's another pose with Aunty Biola Making me up.... *wink* The CEO herself. You can buy products online. Just visit Haute Beauty World Crew Cross sectio...