
Hello people. Thanks again for always following my blog. It feels so good to see the number of views rise. As you would have noticed, I'm really into stories revolving around relationships . I have decided to create a platform where we can talk about some issues that are quite popular amongst youths, basically but not restricted to 'relationships', and I hope that you guys will be able to help out with answers to the questions that will follow each short story. It's important to state from the on-set that the stories are majorly true-life stories, but identities - names and locations will be purely fictional.I believe we would all have a nice time contributing and in effect, providing solutions to pressing issues bothering our minds through this platform. Once again, I thank you for following the blog. We start off with the story below. Enjoy! *** ... From a Frustrated 'Engagee" It was a beautiful Friday afternoon like today. I was in the highest ...