What's the worst that could happen?!

Hello guys. This is a random thought I woke up with, very random but stubborn because the thought won't leave me. So, here's me talking to myself and I hope somehow, someone that needs to read this would pick a thing or two from my soliloquy. When I started blogging, I had this vision of just writing out my thoughts in a place for people to read. Thing is, I'm my own best company, I've always been and I realised this as early as my first year in secondary school. I had tons of pranks up my sleeves to evade seniors sending me on errands. I will compose a full fledged movie with many parts (more like a season film) and begin gisting these seniors. It started with my bunk mate, a very sweet senior Aisha . Aisha was a giver, nice to a fault. For starters, she would find excuses for other seniors not to send me on errands while in the dormitory but I knew the wolves were out there waiting for the day Aisha won't be able to save me. I was super smart f...