Mother's Day Celebration: A tale of miscarriage!

Hey people. How're you doing? It's been a minute on the blog but I've been as active as possible as I can be on the blog's Instagram page (@tyfaithsblog) , which you should be following if you don't want to miss out on my random gists.😉 Today, I'm dedicating this post to all mothers but most especially to those that have miscarried a baby or more. I finally have the courage to do this after (almost) 3 years. Whew. Ready? Here it goes. Sometime in October 2017, I found out I was pregnant. It was the most beautiful thing to ever happen to me. I couldn't express the feeling. My husband had just come to visit me in school (outside our home country, Nigeria) where we celebrated our first year wedding anniversary and it must have been the anniversary "doing" that led to the pregnancy. I found out I was pregnant after he had returned home, and I still remember how excited he was when I told him over the phone. Two week...