Follow Me: A Plea for Pursuit!

My birthday was seven days ago and even though I had planned to upload some posts earlier in the month, and definitely before my birthday (including a post on lessons learnt in the past one year), I never really got around to typing my thoughts out as I was wonderfully swamped with a different type of work leading up to my birthday week. You would have known what I’m talking about if you follow me on Instagram. And this is how I'd be starting today's blog post - soliciting for your followership and connection outside of this blog, especially on what I like to call the blog’s official Instagram page - @tyfaithsblog . Although I’m on other social media platforms like YouTube and LinkedIn, I don’t want to push my luck too much (lol) or better still, I’d rather you follow me on Instagram because you get to see my life as it is and read faster from me before detailed posts are uploaded here on the blog. My captions are usually filled with stories (serious and hilarious, but mostl...