Lessons from my 3-year old

On this day three years ago, God gave me the best gift ever in person of my amazing daughter. Even though the first year came with a lottttt of work and drama; plenty crying, giving up, getting back at it and encouraging myself in the Lord (literally), the year leading to her third has been so amazing and transformational, not just for her but for me. She has grown so much and on countless occasions, the Holy Spirit has taught me some of the greatest lessons I've learnt this year through my daughter. Because I'm relishing the moments with my daughter as a mum for 3 years and counting, I won't waste too much of your time, neither will this blog be long ( so help me God ). I just want to share 2 of the greatest lessons that the Holy Spirit has been teaching me, using my daughter as the relatable guide and case study ( since I'm only human and sometimes spiritual things are not as easy to grasp. I'm still growing in my walk with God, so it makes sense that the Holy Sp...