
Showing posts from November, 2021

Lessons from my 3-year old

On this day three years ago, God gave me the best gift ever in person of my amazing daughter.  Even though the first year came with a lottttt of work and drama; plenty crying, giving up, getting back at it and encouraging myself in the Lord (literally), the year leading to her third has been so amazing and transformational, not just for her but for me. She has grown so much and on countless occasions, the Holy Spirit has taught me some of the greatest lessons I've learnt this year through my daughter. Because I'm relishing the moments with my daughter as a mum for 3 years and counting, I won't waste too much of your time, neither will this blog be long ( so help me God ). I just want to share 2 of the greatest lessons that the Holy Spirit has been teaching me, using my daughter as the relatable guide and case study ( since I'm only human and sometimes spiritual things are not as easy to grasp. I'm still growing in my walk with God, so it makes sense that the Holy Sp...

I killed a Lizard!

Hello Blog Fam. I'm so glad I published my last blog ( which was originally meant to be a lengthy Instagram caption to start with ) because where is November flying to? I've not been able to keep up with this month at all, and I'm trying not to be hard on myself for not managing my time well, because one thing I know for a fact is that I've been utilising every second of every 24 hours of the past 14 days the best way possible. But I'm really glad I published that impromptu blog post, else this would have been such a late new month blog. Anyway, enough of me and my fast and furious November, and back to today's blog, which is a pretty short story about my newly acquired boldness to kill a lizard.  Lizards are at the top of my disliked animals. I detest every type of lizard, from wall geckos to the slim green ones to the red-headed ones to the really massive dangerous ones. I can't stand lizards at all but unfortunately, there are a lot of them where I curren...

I cheated!

I just cheated o. 🙆🏽‍♀️😫 *** Happy new month beautiful blog fam. How are you all doing? I pray that this month will be beautiful for you and you will indeed experience 11th hour miracles this month. This is not the type of post I planned to start the month with but I've been thinking of ways to bring back and infuse my hilarious stories to the blog. And this post you're about to read was something I originally planned to just post in a caption on my Instagram blog page  (You should follow me if you're on Instagram), but decided otherwise so that my blog fam (those not on Instagram) can refresh their memories on the hilarious side of Faith. Not every time serious talk in form of pick-me-up posts and other motivational, inspirational posts, abi? Sometimes, let's laugh a "liru" 😂, while we wait for Faith to drop a short story series. ( Do you miss my short stories and do you want a new series as the holiday season is approaching? Let me know in the commen...