When the Chips are down, Do We Really Love?
Hello people. I want to believe we've all been having a nice day?
As we all know, Valentine's Day is around the corner. I'd be posting a lot of things on the popular subject of LOVE from now till the 14th of February. And i'm starting today by posing this big question to you: Do you really Love?
If we carefully consider the issue of love and ask ourselves this question, we'll find out that most of the time, we love God and people for reasons; we just love what is in God's hands - the protection, provision, safety, care that He showers us with all the time; and for people, we love them because of the things that they can offer or for the things we can get from them. We may not easily agree but that's the truth. Take for example, you love me because i'll often have a kind word to make your day, a smile to cheer you up; for those that know me, the jokes i tell, etc; you love your partner because he/she is educated, soft-spoken, vast, intelligent, pretty/handsome, rich, caring, patient and all those other attributes that made you start the relationship in the first place.
Now look deep down? Do you really love? When the chips are down; when all those attributes you see in your partner disappears; when the airtime recharge stops; when I run out of kind words to say to you; when I run out of interesting things to write to keep you glued to my blog; when the money bag goes empty; when it seems God isn't there for you and everything is going contrary; when your parents are not there for you and your trusted friend stabs you in the back; when your partner fumbles; do you still love?
I believe we all know that there are laws governing this world generally: The law of faith (believing), the law of prosperity, of longevity, of giving and receiving, etc. But the greatest of these laws is the law of Love. If we don't activate the law of love, these other laws won't work properly. You ask me why? I'd explain. Let's take the Law of Longevity for example. If you've activated this law by eating right, exercising your body, doing all you can to live healthy and live long but you don't love; you constantly abhor grudges in your heart against people, you're easily angered, you're easily irritated by people's actions and inactions - it's only normal that the inflow of joy and happiness is blocked & though you're eating right, exercising well, there is a blockage and before you know it, depression sets in and in the end, the law of longevity is shut down.

Let's keep the law of love activated all the time. Let's love people for the singular and most important reason that they are "people". God is love, rememeber? It's not that God has love or that God loves but He is Love. Love is not just his character but His nature. So if you love, it means you know God (IJhn 4:7-8). We should therefore try to imbibe this beautiful character of God by loving people; not just for reasons. True love always seek the best in others. As we go on in this season of love, let's look out for the best in people, celebrate their strengths and assist in transforming their weak points into strong points. Let's start out each day with a self-examination of our selves by asking whether we truly love.
As for me, I love you now that you're spending precious time reading my blog and if something happens that makes you stop in the future, I will still keep loving you. But I trust that you won't...*wink*.
Enjoy your week!
As we all know, Valentine's Day is around the corner. I'd be posting a lot of things on the popular subject of LOVE from now till the 14th of February. And i'm starting today by posing this big question to you: Do you really Love?
If we carefully consider the issue of love and ask ourselves this question, we'll find out that most of the time, we love God and people for reasons; we just love what is in God's hands - the protection, provision, safety, care that He showers us with all the time; and for people, we love them because of the things that they can offer or for the things we can get from them. We may not easily agree but that's the truth. Take for example, you love me because i'll often have a kind word to make your day, a smile to cheer you up; for those that know me, the jokes i tell, etc; you love your partner because he/she is educated, soft-spoken, vast, intelligent, pretty/handsome, rich, caring, patient and all those other attributes that made you start the relationship in the first place.

I believe we all know that there are laws governing this world generally: The law of faith (believing), the law of prosperity, of longevity, of giving and receiving, etc. But the greatest of these laws is the law of Love. If we don't activate the law of love, these other laws won't work properly. You ask me why? I'd explain. Let's take the Law of Longevity for example. If you've activated this law by eating right, exercising your body, doing all you can to live healthy and live long but you don't love; you constantly abhor grudges in your heart against people, you're easily angered, you're easily irritated by people's actions and inactions - it's only normal that the inflow of joy and happiness is blocked & though you're eating right, exercising well, there is a blockage and before you know it, depression sets in and in the end, the law of longevity is shut down.

Let's keep the law of love activated all the time. Let's love people for the singular and most important reason that they are "people". God is love, rememeber? It's not that God has love or that God loves but He is Love. Love is not just his character but His nature. So if you love, it means you know God (IJhn 4:7-8). We should therefore try to imbibe this beautiful character of God by loving people; not just for reasons. True love always seek the best in others. As we go on in this season of love, let's look out for the best in people, celebrate their strengths and assist in transforming their weak points into strong points. Let's start out each day with a self-examination of our selves by asking whether we truly love.
As for me, I love you now that you're spending precious time reading my blog and if something happens that makes you stop in the future, I will still keep loving you. But I trust that you won't...*wink*.
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