Valentine’s Day Palava: The things we do for love!

I went happily to Queens Cinema Market with my just withdrawn alawee to get my boyfriend two gifts: one for his birthday and the other, for Valentine’s Day. ‘Sister, Fine Sister, Ajoke to rewa….’ They beckoned at me, to come and check out their men’s store. Finally I agreed to enter one of the seemingly cool stores to get suitable gifts for her man. ‘How much is this perf?’ I pointed at a well-packaged perfume with something that looked like a nice label. ‘Ha, Sister, you sef know good thing when you see am. That perf na original o.’ ‘How much jare? U people too get mouth, just talk price make I commot’, I retorted. ‘The thing be say that perf wey you point at na N12,500 o ’, they finally summoned up courage to tell me the price. I thought to myself, that these guys must be big jokers to have thought that I didn’t have more than enough to buy the perfume but I didn’t make my thoughts obvious. I went on to barg...