Preps for Valentine's Day? Tips....

Hi guys (and ladies too... lol)

I promised to drop simple tips to make this valentine special.
All believers of Valentine's day, come along as we share simple tips to make valentine's day special for that one person that we really love. Mind you, these are things I thought about on my own. They may not be as popular as you would think. You can also drop tips that you think people could pick up from this blog and make use of...
Enjoy the read....

#1 Don't get all worked up about Valentine's day
I've seen people get so worked up about the 14th of February, year in, year out. It's a day to show some good loving to your relationship partners; and not a day to starve yourself of your comfort to please someone. As a matter of fact, I agree with some unblievers of the Vals day; that we shouldn't idolize one day to show love to our partners. If we're going to go by that theory, then there's no reason why anyone should pick a fight with his/her partner days before Valentine's day just because you want to dodge buying a gift for your partner. That will be so childish of anyone.Remember that giving a gift to your partner on Valentine's day is not a prerequisite for a lasting relationship. *wink*

#2 Work within your means. Don't go around borrowing just to impress your partner
I've seen people who starve themselves and some even borrow money from their friends just to impress their guy/girl. It makes no sense to me that you would have to go that extent just to prove your love. It's only if your date is a new catch, you're permitted to try to impress him/her. This does not also give you the chance to wanna be 'fake'. Cut your coat according to your cloth. I can't pet anyone who goes broke after Val's day oh.... lol.

#3 The little things go a long way

Whether or not you get a gift (and this goes to the unbelivers of Valentine's day too), give your partner a call in between work, just to remind him/her of how blessed you are to have him/her in your life. That little gesture is priceless; and trust me, your partner won't forget that easily; especially the busy men who forget to give little compliments to their partners. You can also pay your partner a surprise visit at work, and go to some nice place for lunch together.

#4 Valentine's day should not only be for relationship partners and spouses...
For those who have kids, they're part of your beautiful lives now. Tell them how much you love them.
Send beautiful messages to friends that have become big parts of your lives. Share a smile with that little child you see on the street. It's a day to show some love. You can do that in numerous ways I can't begin to write here. Let the love flow.

#5 Show some love to thos who can't give it back
I have this friend who claims to be an unbeliver when it comes to celebrating Valentine's day. But he makes it a point of duty to go the orphanage every Valentine's day to share gifts with the children. I think that makes him a staunch beliver in Valentine's day. Show some love to those who can't give it back (literally). Give a helping hand on Valentine's day. It will go a long way to make not just the person's day, but your own day too.

#6 Give! That's the hallmark of love!
Read in between all the other tips I've outlined. There's a little bit of giving in every tip. That is how important this last tip is. No matter how little, give something on Valentine's day. Pay someone's t-fare; Give a smile, a hug, a kind word, a prayer, a little bit of your time to someone that needs it; anything at all (that excludes giving your virginity out to some guy you're not married to).

Most of all, Enjoy the day. Remember it's just once in a year. *wink*

Happy Valentine's Day in advance.


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