The Butterflies. Episode 8

“Tee, you try so hard, I’m telling you man. What’s so special about this babe that you can’t forget about her and focus on all the fine babes in Lag? What kind of childhood spell is this? … honestly, I don’t understand you, I don’t…” 
Kuye went on as he really couldn’t understand why his friend and colleague at work would deprive himself of the pleasure that literally filled the streets of Lagos. He was tired of hearing any more stories about Tofunmi. Kuye had heard enough stories about Temiye and Tofunmi to last a life time; stories of when they were growing up, how close they used to be, how they were the envy of many of their friends in church, how he couldn’t bear the thought that a guy will use and dump a precious being like her and so on. For all he cared, Kuye could vouch that someone was behind Temiye not being able to get over Tofunmi, especially when there was nothing in the first place to get over; it’s not like they actually dated and then broke up. Kuye had told Temiye to enjoy his youthful days, be open to meeting new ladies, and giving them a chance at least.

Temiye smiled at his friend in his air-conditioned office as he picked up his phone to dial Tofunmi’s number, again.

“Don’t tell me it’s her number you’re dialing again… guy, did you two get into a blood covenant of some sort, ‘cause honestly, I don’t get it. She’s just a childhood crush you have refused to get over” Kuye said as he hijacked the phone from Temiye.

“Dude, pass my phone joor. It’s not what you think oh. I told you I’ve dated a couple of girls in the past, but the connection wasn’t just there…”

“How will the connection be there? Tell me how? ” Kuye cut in.
“See, I’m tired of you telling me stories of how you and this Tofunmi babe bond so well, and how you’ve always known she’s the one you will end up with. In fact, have your phone back, na you sabi, I don try my best for you. Just don’t forget the date I planned for you oh; 6pm tomorrow, Timson’s place”, Kuye said as he stepped out of Temiye’s office to go back to his own office…

“You don’t give up, do you?” Temiye laughed as Kuye left.

He wasn’t obsessed, neither was he under any spell; he really liked Tofunmi and wouldn’t mind if she gave him a chance to express himself.
As for the blind date Kuye had planned for him; yet again…. Temiye laughed, knowing full well that Kuye really wanted him hooked with some fine babe. He was so good at getting him paired up with pretty chics. He ended up, most times, being friends with those girls and nothing extra. Now that Kuye seemed so upset with him, maybe he should really make this next blind date work; it was high time he got serious though... Temiye thought to himself as he cleared his table to close for the day.

Mrs. Badmus couldn’t contain her joy. She was all smiles throughout the celebration. She was not just excited about clocking 50 but she was enthralled at the surprise party her husband and kids planned for her. They had invited her friends from church and a few from the market where she had her shop; they had even chosen a colour code which everyone who came dazzled in. She hugged her husband countless times during the party; she was practically all over her daughters and grandson. She was really grateful for the intimate party they had planned.
Tofunmi and Tade looked very beautiful as Ibinabo had performed some magic on their faces with the little make-up kit she brought with her; she had forced Tofunmi to allow her put to practice the make-up lessons she had been watching on YouTube. It was a successful party in all.

Tofunmi tried to put behind her the incidence of the last few hours as she didn’t want anything coming in the way of the beautiful party. Many times she stole glances at her sister who was just having fun at the party, dancing and posing for pictures.
Tofunmi had gone in to get some more drinks for people who had just arrived when Ibinabo blocked her at the kitchen…

“You’re doing good girl, just keep it up till the end of the party…” she said as she winked at her friend and took some drinks in the refrigerator to go serve the guests.
Tofunmi had hinted Ibinabo when she arrived the night before about her sister’s call that she picked and how confused she was after the whole conversation. Ibinabo had hugged her tightly and told her to put herself together till the end of the party. She knew that was the best thing to do as she didn’t want anything that will spoil the mood of the party they were planning.

Tofunmi couldn’t help but smile back at Ibinabo who had come to know her so well to the point of reading her mind. She heaved a big sigh. She really needed to get this off her chest.


Tofunmi couldn’t sleep at night, she felt like going to her sister’s side of the room to check through her phone properly for pictures, messages, anything that would prove to her that it was another Dapo Aborishade her sister was dating. She sat up on the bed, and quietly woke Ibinabo who was obviously enjoying her sleep.

“Why are you not sleeping?” Ibinabo said with her eyes still heavy with sleep
“You know why… I can’t sleep like this. It will break my heart to find out that my sister has been dating that useless guy for that long. I just hope he hasn’t touched her or something…” Tofunmi said in the lowest of tones, more like a whisper. She didn’t want her sister waking up to this discussion as they all had just that one room to sleep in.

Ibinabo eventually sat up, she didn’t like the fact that her sleep had been disturbed but she had no choice, it was her friend involved here, she had to do something to make her feel better, even if it meant not sleeping after a long day, Ibinabo thought to herself.

“You know you can’t just assume that he’s the same person, especially because many people bear the same name and surname o. Just verify properly or maybe you talk to Tade about this straight on… that’s what I think though” Ibinabo said

“Talk to Tade about what?” Tade sat up on her bed too.
She had been awake for a while but was facing the other side of her bed. She had been so upset with Ade that she was really considering taking a break from him and all the drama that he brought into their relationship. There was so much she didn’t know about this guy even after dating for more than two years; she had begun thinking of several other things he must have been hiding from her and the fact that they had recently not been having it so smooth in the relationship. She laid quietly in her bed facing the wall, but she knew when her sister woke up and when she woke Ibinabo up too. She knew something was up since the previous day but she couldn’t put a finger on what the matter was. Now that her sister and friend were talking about something that involved her, she needed to confirm what the issue was.

“Sister mi, what is it you want to talk to me about?” Tade said more quietly this time as she stared into her sister’s face through the reflection of the rechargeable lamb that was put on in the room. She could see through the shock on the faces of Ibinabo and her sister…

“Errrmm… it’s nothing, really” Tofunmi stuttered. Ibinabo just kept looking as she wished she didn’t respond to Tofunmi’s persistent taps to wake up…

“Ibinabo, what is it you were telling my sister to tell me?” Tade said facing Ibinabo this time.


“It’s about Ade…” Tofunmi cut in before Ibinabo could say anything.

Tade got up from her bed to move to the table dividing her side of the room from her sister’s. Leaning on the table, she asked more quietly this time, like she was afraid of the next thing her sister was going to say, she wasn’t sure she could bear any more random chic story or that Ade was seen with a girl somewhere…

Tofunmi was very careful to explain just the important parts of her assumptions; she made sure she apologized for picking her call. Not like the apology was so important but for the delicate matter at hand, she started the explanation with an apology. Tofunmi understood the kind of temperament her sister had, hence the carefulness in the way she relayed the story.
Tade’s eyes must have popped a thousand times over… she just kept saying Oh my God… Ibinabo had signaled to her in the best way she could, not to shout as it was just about 2.00am.
Tofunmi went on to say why she needed to confirm the identity of this Ade especially since she wasn’t the one that went to deliver the birthday package.
As Tade went back to her bed to get her phone, she silently prayed that this Dapo her sister was talking about would be different from her own Dapo, she wasn’t sure how she would take the confirmatory news…

The air in the room was still, Tofunmi was obviously scared as she took the phone from Tade to view Ade’s pictures.

Ibinabo didn’t know what to do or who to pet as the sisters cried uncontrollably. She wished she had gone home instead of stopping by at Ibadan. She wiped the few drops of tears that tried to roll down her cheeks; she knew neither of these girls deserved all that they were going through. In the few hours she had spent with this family, she knew they deserved better.
By this time the two sisters were on Tofunmi’s bed, Ibinabo had gotten down from the bed to make room for Tade while she sat on the table trying to hug them one after the other...

“Babes, it’s okay… please stop crying. It’s better we even found out at this time. Imagine if Tade had brought him home to introduce to your parents that he was the one she planned on getting married to…” Ibinabo wasn’t really good at comforting people but she tried her best. This was really tough.

Tofunmi was the first to stop crying, a million thoughts went through her mind at that instant moment that she viewed Dapo’s picture. She wanted him dead at that instant… she almost cursed but instead she hugged her sister tightly and said we’ll be fine, as she allowed the tears to flow freely again…


“Yes mum. Something came up and I can’t leave my friend yet…” Ibinabo said as she silently prayed that her mum would understand and let her spend the rest of the week in Ibadan.

“Yaaayyy. Love you, love you, love you mum, a million times… I promise, I’d be back next week.” Ibinabo said excitedly. She really couldn’t explain what came over her mum to have granted that request, but whatever it was, she was glad about it.
It was time for her to kick start the plan they had all come up with the previous night, after all the crying which she had eventually joined the sisters in.

Adedapo was really getting tired of begging Tade endlessly. It had become a routine for him to appease Tade till she was felt he was sorry enough for his actions… he hissed in his mind before blurting out:

“Come to think of it, this is not how I roll now… you guys know me now…” he said hoping to get a nod or something to affirm his claims from one of his colleagues that was also around at Dotun’s house to chill and watch the match.
Dapo poured himself another glass of Vino tinto as he began shaking his leg uneasily… “What is wrong with me?” he went on..

The guys bursted into laughter as Dotun cut in…
“Thank God say na you talk am by yourself, say something dey worry you. Honestly, I don’t know how you turned out this way oh… ordinary U.I babe dey do you like this…”

“Gooooaaaalllllll”, the other guys shouted, not minding Dotun and Dapo who were obviously not paying attention to the Man-U : Chelsea match.

Dapo excused himself as he got up to go pick his call while taking his glass of drink along with him. He wasn’t sure who the person calling was…

“Soups and sauces will be perfect. Ok then, see you there…” Ibinabo said as she dropped the call.

“It’s on girls…” Ibinabo said.

“Once we sort out this issue, then we tell mum and dad, right?” Tofunmi said facing Tade..

“Okay…” Tade said in a very weak tone. She was exhausted from crying all through the night as she started another session of crying when she went to her bed. She wished this whole issue will be a bad dream from which she would wake up soon enough.

* the butterflies
* faith Tunde-Yara
*photo credit: 


  1. This is Super Story!

    1. Hahahaha. LadySwoosh ooh. Thanks for taking the time to read up. I hope you're enjoying the series.


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