Being Human (3)

"Exactly my point... Most times, it's just undue punishment we let ourselves go through. The world will be a better place to live in if we simplified our lives. That's the principle I live by anyway...."

Dolapo found Febi's views interesting. She had seized the opportunity to go chat up the smiling lady who looked like she had it all going for her during the short break they had in the programme. Febi was a really pleasant lady and of course, she liked to talk. It wasn't hard for Dolapo to figure that out as she actually initiated the chat, picking up from where Dolapo stopped with her comment on Long distance relationships.

In no time, they had exchanged phone numbers and Dolapo knew this was going to be some interesting friendship. She was ready for whatever this friendship was going to offer, especially because she needed to find out how to make Jay more committed to their relationship and just propose already. As the thought crossed her mind, she brushed it aside immediately. She wasn't desperate, she just didn't have so much time to waste any further.
Dolapo smiled back at Febi and kept on nodding severally to most of the points Febi was dishing out against being in long distance relationships. Dolapo smiled a couple more times before finding her way back to her seat.

Yes, this was it. She now had another friend that was close by. She thought to herself that it was the best option available since her best friend and boyfriend were far away from her.

She sat up again in her seat. It had been a beautiful Singles' Mingle and Dolapo was super glad she could make it.

"You should attend our programs more often, you know..."
"Hi, I'm Dare..."

"And you startled me, again Youth President Dare...." Dolapo smiled at the handsome youth president and shook his already outstretched right hand.

"Nah... Dare will be just fine. What's the name?"

"I'm Dolapo... Awesome program today. I enjoyed every bit of it." Dolapo went on.

She figured out that the Youth President had noticed she was a new face at the monthly Youths' meeting of the church.

"I'll do my best to be more regular at these programs..." she smiled again. They both had a brief chat before Dolapo took her leave from Church. She didn't have any friend in church other than Febi, the new friend she just made; so there was no point waiting behind any longer...


"Hey sweet..."


Jay knew Dolapo only responded with monosyllables anytime she wasn't pleased with him or was upset about something else.

"what's the matter, sweet?" Jay went on to get words out of his girlfriend.

"You forgot, hun... and you never do. I'm just worried..."

"I don't understand. What did I forget?" Jay pressed further.

"Our anniversary. We're 10months today... anyway, it's not such a biggie... So, how was work today?" Dolapo tried to change the topic.

"Baby, i'm sorry. You know I won't intentionally do that.  I'm sorry dear. Cheers to us. I told you we would be fine. Now, we're 10months today, baby..." Jay said with excitement in his voice.
"Work was really hectic today..."

"So sorry dear. Can we go to bed now? I'm also very tired... We'd talk in the morning" Dolapo didn't wait for Jay's response before she ended the call.
Jay just stared on at his phone in suprise as his phone beeped after Dolapo hung up.

"I seriously don't understand women." Jay sighed.
He was too tired to even start calling back to find out why his babe hung up just like that. He got up from the sofa and went straight to his bedroom.


"Rita, what is wrong with you? You just wanna mess this whole thing up with your silly attitude, right?" Dolapo went on to scold herself for about 2minutes after she hung up. She was fond of speaking to herself by calling her other name, Rita.

She had to admit that ending the call that way was rude. She also had to admit that Jay had been doing his best to keep in touch since he got to Abuja and her bank account was already feeling the returns of the business boom. Jay was a really sweet guy, but something was just not right; and it wasn't on Jay's part.

After about 4different break-up episodes and the last one that she felt was the worst of them all; the humiliating break up with Shola, Dolapo had told herself she wasn't going to put all her eggs in one basket ever again.


"So, i'd see you in church on Tuesday, right?"

"Tuesday? That will be great... I see you're taking my words to heart. Attending mid-week services strengthens one as a christian, you know? You get the word, you wet the ground of your heart with prayers and the seeds that are sown begin to germinate..." Dare smiled.

"Pastor Dare... I've heard. It's not like I always want to miss these services. It's just my work, but these days, i'm beginning to free myself oh. Besides, I need prayers..." Dolapo was enjoying the conversation with Dare, the youth president.

She had saved his number the first time he sent a message thanking people that attended the youths' program. Dolapo had called to verify whose number it was, and she was more than glad to discover it was Dare's.

Their chats on whatsapp never seemed to end. Dolapo particularly liked the way he made church attendance and participation so attractive. She had enrolled in the Beginner's class for intending workers in church. And now, she was thinking of trying out mid-week services...

"Till Tuesday, then..." Dolapo winked at Dare as she made her way to the pedestrian gate of the church to get a taxi home; not her own house.

"Oh my God. He did this to you?'

She just went on crying. She couldn't bring herself to say a word. She nodded in affirmation to all the questions Dolapo was asking.

"Oh my goodness... Lord, have mercy..." Dolapo hugged her friend tightly, patting her gently on the back as she felt the tears from her eyes roll down her own back...

*faith Tunde-Yara
*being human
*photo credit:


  1. Hehehehe, I knew jay's time was also's time to beg now. but really ladies ehn and their little infinitesimal skoin-skoin,no offense tho...but ladies pls always try not to be so complicated now.haba!

  2. Lol. We can't help being complicated, even it's a little bit.
    Thanks for reading.
    Episode 4 in a bit... *wink*


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