Being Human (5)

I must start this episode with a huge apology from me, myself and I for being away for a month or so. I can't begin to explain how sorry I am and how swamped I've been with Life. I'm sorry lovelies. Being Human continues. Do enjoy the read. Thank you.



They hugged as though they hadn't seen each other for a year. The hug seemed to have lasted forever. Jay held his babe tighter and planted light kisses on her forehead, nose and lips. It was too much PDA for Dolapo on a normal day but this wasn't a normal day. They had not seen for 3 whole months; yes - 3 months.

"I missed you like crazy, didn't realize it was this bad" Dolap blushed and covered her face as she was now conscious of Jay's public display of affection.

"Missed you too girl... Welcome to Abuja", Jay helped her with her cute travel bag and walked her down to the car park.
He was so excited to see his babe as his gentle-manly groove was activated immediately.
He opened the door for his lady and winked at her as she blushed and entered gracefully into the car.

The KIA Cerato moved smoothly on the best roads Dolapo had ever seen in Nigeria. Dolapo admired the city while she went on with all the gists she had planned on giving Jay; gists they had discussed over the phone; more work-related gist and so on. Jay didn't mind that most of the gists were repeated stories from the last few months they had spent apart. He just smiled on and got involved in the conversation, while driving carefully through the light traffic. It was fun seeing his babe take this kind of daring step - escaping from work to see him.

"You still haven't told me how you did it, you know?"

"Info not relevant" Dolapo avoided Jay's eyes and just went on smiling.

"Hmmnn, Sister Dolapo of the Most High... you lied?"

"Lie ke? I didn't jor. I just took permission, the way other people take permissions now... Oh, you think boss wouldn't have granted such permission with short notice?..." This time she turned to Jay and rolled her eyes before laughing again...
"... Let's just say Boss is now a very understanding woman..."

"If I hear..." Jay pinched her cheeks and joined in the laughter...

On two different occassions, Dolapo wanted to ask where Jay had prepared for her to spend the night but she didn't want to spoil the moment with such silly questions. Jay probably made necessary plans, he already knew her stand on sleeping over. She couldn't be bothered at the moment. She was here to have fun and nothing was going to get in the way.

"And Flo is in town oh"

"For real? That's great... I know you would like to see her."

"Of course. It's been a while we saw. Maybe I should invite her to your restaurant tomorrow. How about that?"

"Err... that will be fine but let's discuss all of this when we get home... I have so much lined up for us this weekend. You know how I roll, yeah?"
Now, it was time for Jay to roll his eyes, wink at his girlfriend and burst into laughter.


It was a beautiful apartment situated at Apo Legislative Quarters. A spacious bungalow with two bedrooms and a moderate-size sitting room, dining and kitchen; extravagantly furnished. Dolapo kept staring at the medium sized chandelier at the centre of the sitting room. The curtains, the chairs, the center rug, the art work on the wall which was a picture of assorted food, the tiles on the floor; everything smelt class.

"I know right, Place is pretty nice..." Jay decided to break the silence, after watching Dolapo admire everything in his apartment

"pretty nice? You call this pretty nice? This is beyond nice. This is amazing.... Wow, Jay, you didn't give details. You just said you were managing... And is that real mahogany?" Dolapo pointed at the dining table with four chairs.

"Yep..." Jay smiled.


"Baby, you make me laugh. A guy is trying to make ends meet here and you're wow-ing the little i've been able to put together? Come see your room. You should freshen up..."
Jay gently pulled Dolapo from the dining room and led her to one of the bedrooms. It was obviously the abandoned room but Jay had prepared the room, laid the sheets and placed a towel and tooth brush on the well-laid bed.

"Bathroom is to your right, there's a pair of bathroom slippers just in front of the door... errmm. Oh, I'd bring you my cover cloth. I don't have an extra one. Sorry. Let me free you for now. If you need anything, just...

"...holla at your boy" They both chorused that line of Wizkid's song and burst into laughter.

"Thanks hun. I'd be right out."

Dolapo smiled as Jay left her room. She locked the door, then hurriedly went to bring out her phone from her bag.

"Babe, i'm in town... You need to see this place, it's ... I dunno. How do we see? There's so much to talk about... Okay. I'd be expecting your pings..."
It was a quiet, short and straight-forward conversation. She loved Jay's place, very much; what was there not to love about a tastefully furnished two-bedroom apartment in Abuja? She just couldn't stop her mind from thinking of how much it would have cost to rent this kind of place in this kind of area and furnish it this way. She had heard of how expensive these Abuja house and shop rents were.

Now, she was stuck in Jay's house, not like she objected to staying here like she had planned. She couldn't explain what came over her. She was however glad that the apartment had two rooms; meeting point will be sitting room/dining/kitchen and that was perfect for her, plus she had planned to make him take her out - to his restaurant first off and then to one fun place, and maybe, just maybe this weekend will be the "weekend she's been waiting for all her life" - a proposal from Jay. She grinned with excitement.

"Nothing's going to change. This weekend will be as perfect as i've imagined..." She said to herself as she went into the bathroom to take a shower.

*Faith Tunde-Yara
*Being Human
*Photo Credit:


  1. You should be spanked for keeping us in suspense but d story was worth 'THE WAIT'=-D

    Adedoyin Bankole


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