Good Riddance... (3)

I have to start this episode by apologizing for the one month break I took from the blog. To be honest, it's a pretty long story but I'm almost done with the project that is keeping me away from being as quick as I want to with posting episodes. I also have to mention that my search for a co-writer is finally over. Thanks to everyone that showed interest. I appreciate you all. Don't let me delay you further. I hope you enjoy this episode, and I hope I get to post the subsequent episodes faster than usual. Enjoy the read, people. I'd love to hear your thoughts and predictions for the next episode. Do feel free to share with friends and leave a comment. xoxo... Faith


The busyness in the room was overwhelming. I had to push myself through the make-up and hair stylists, plus their assistants, not forgetting the photographer calling the shots, plus his assistant carrying the stand for the flash. This was supposed to be a small gathering of close family and friends. What was the need for all the paparazzi? I thought to myself. Then I remembered it was Victoria Thomson's party and immediately brushed aside the idea of an intimate, small gathering with less paparazzi such as this. I eventually managed to walk to a corner of the room, just adjacent Vic, who was busy with everything; from trying to sit straight for the make-up artist to complete her look, to keeping her head straight for the hairstylist to do her thing, to taking instructions on smiles and poses from the photographer, and then to attending to the numerous calls and messages on social media.
So much was going on and I wondered why I felt coming to support Vic at this time was a better option than sitting on the same table as Demola.

"Tola, Oh my God, you made it. I've been here all by myself, surrounded by all these strange people"

Vic stood up without hesitation from her seat, when she eventually shifted her gaze from the camera man to the corner of the room where I stood quietly, to avoid any distraction or disruption of all the activities going on.

I hugged her tight, and said softly 'You look amazing. Congrats dear.'

I waited for what felt like one full minute for Vic to release her hold, especially after meeting the gaze of the second camera man who was recording the whole process. It felt awkward; the way Vic was hugging me. The next thing I heard and the tear that dropped on my shoulder alerted me.
I released myself from her hold, gently. Something didn't feel right. Vic was crying...

"Is everything okay?"

I was now more concerned when she wasn't smiling amidst the tears I wanted to assume were tears of joy. Vic was not that emotional, but I just hoped it was something as pleasant as being faced with the reality of getting married that caused the tears.

"No. Everything is not alright..."

Vic motioned to the make-up artist that was trying to get close with a two-ply tissue to dab the tears from her eyes and continue her job, to step back a bit. The other vendors knew too well than to come close, with the way Vic's mood changed. Next, she walked to her wardrobe to bring out the dress she ordered from me, and was supposed to be her second outfit for the engagement party.

"The zipper..." And she burst into full tears this time.

"The zipper?" I echoed.

There was no time for funny thoughts. The party was about to begin and it didn't seem like the various stylists were any way close to being done with their jobs. It was also not the best time to question Vic for not mentioning anything about the dress in the past week, even though we saw every other evening. She had mentioned that she wanted everything set so that no extra person apart from the vendors would be with her on the main day. I was not much of a pusher in the first place, and her plans made it even easier. Otherwise, I would have been here earlier to sort this whole zipper emergency.

"It's Maggie, She's never careful. I was trying on the dress last night.... I don't know what I'm going to do..." she sobbed on.

This was not some easy gown that I could sit with and amend. I thought about the fastest solution, that wouldn't involve me going back home, but there was none. This was not the way I envisioned this party, I had planned to sit as much as I could, dance with Vic, help with a few things around and just have a nice time. There was no time for scolding or yelling, or even further petting. Vic could be silly but this was not the time and the place to address that.

"Calm down Vic. You don't want to mess up your make-up..." I tried to pacify an already broken girl.

"I don't care. The artist will redo it again"

I lifted my eyes to meet the gaze of the make-up assistant that was busy rearranging some other tools for the touch-up, and I pitied not just the artist but every other vendor that was in the room. Patience was key in dealing with Vic. She didn't mind paying extra for the time the vendors had to spend. This dress was way more important.

I collected the dress without further delay, found the box in which it was packed on the top of her wardrobe, and folded it into the box.

"I'll be back. In the mean time, sit pretty on that chair, and please cheer up". I smiled as I rushed out of the room with the box.

"Keys please. It's an emergency"

There was no time to start explaining. Segun tried to find out what the problem was but I had taken the keys and beckoned on Jessica to join me, while I rushed as fast as I could to the where the car was parked. I didn't even notice Demola walk past me. I waited for about a minute in the car for Jess to step out of the gate to join me and when she did not, I drove off immediately.

It was a typical Saturday in Lagos, so I expected traffic as usual. As I turned out of Thomson street back to the main road and noticed the traffic that was building on Agungi-Lekki road, I knew there was no way I could get back home on time to work on the zipper and then return with the dress. It was time for plan B. I managed to turn back into the street, parked the car, and brought out my phone from my purse. Segun, Jess and Demola had called. Demola had sent tons of whatsapp messages, so I just decided to call him back.

"Dude, you're familiar with this street, right?" I didn't wait for him to say hello and try to ask questions once he picked his call.
"Hello, can you hear me?"

Then I heard a knock on the wound-up glass. I turned to the side to see who it was and it was Demola, laughing instead of speaking to the phone. I unlocked the door and let him step into the car.

"What are you doing outside here, looking all stressed out?"

I ignored him.

"What are you also doing outside the house? Bored already?" I tried to hide my excitement. Demola was here, but there was really no time for catch-ups right now.

"Vic's having a dress malfunction, and of course, I'm the saviour, since I'm the vendor in charge of the dress". I went on to relay the story of the zipper to Demola as quickly as possible, with the hope that he would be able to help with my plan B.

The sigh of relief I heaved when he reminded me of Feyi's dress-making shop just around the corner was so loud that Demola started another round of laughter.

"You need to take it easy. Vic will find an alternative if you can't make it back in time" He said calmly.

"You don't even know Vic. The whole party will be a mess without this dress and I will be the one she would blame for the rest of our lives. Are you sure this shop is just around the corner?"

"Still, you have to calm down."

Demola turned on the radio, as he relayed the actual reason why he stepped out of the house and noticed the car at the time he did. He also did a good job in describing the fastest route to Feyi's shop from Thomson's Street. In 15 minutes, we were at the shop.

By the way, Feyi was the girl I had been trying to hook Demola with for a long time. She happened to be one of the clients referred to me by a friend but we got along so well on bbm after the first transaction; and was such pretty girl. Funny thing was I didn't even know Feyi owned a dress-making shop but Demola knew. Demola must have been hiding something with this whole 'not my type' excuse he's always giving.
Feyi was not in the shop but her assistant was very helpful. She was so meticulous in handling the zipper, and even though I wished she could be faster, I couldn't afford anything going wrong again.

After what seemed like forever, a bottle of coke and quite an hilarious moment with all the things Demola was gisting me about, the zipper was fixed.

"You're a life saver dear. Thank you so much. My regards to your boss. I'll definitely be back." I smiled as I collected the dress from Toke, the pleasant assistant, folded it neatly back into the box and walked out of the shop after Demola.

He walked to the car, beckoned on me to pass the keys, which I gladly did. He opened the door to the passenger's seat, and said nicely:
"Let me be your chariot back to the party"

"Yes Captain" I replied amidst laughs.
It wasn't the longest ride back to Vic's house but I'm sure it was the best part of my day, all day till that moment, just laughing about nothing serious.

As we got to the gate, Demola was quick to help with the box, allowing me to be free from any further stress.

"Where have you been? I've been calling. I don't think Segun is happy with you oh" Jess ran to me once she sighted me walking into the main house. The compound was already crowded by the time we arrived. The party had kicked-off, but Vic was not out yet.
Jessica said a brief Hi to Demola, and continued with the whispering.

"I'll explain later. I waited for you in the car but you didn't show up on time"

The rest of Jess' explanation on why she couldn't make it to the car was the least on mind, as I collected the box from Demola and rushed back to Vic's room to give her the dress.

Vic dazzled in her engagement attire and was set to step out to meet her groom. Jessica was all 'wow, oh my God, awwwnn' as we stepped into the room. She went on with her addiction - taking pictures of the bride, while I brought out the dress to show the now smiling Vic that it was all perfect.

The rest of the evening went well, with all the eating, drinking, laughing, dancing, posing and pouting (thanks to Jessica's motivation) for pictures.
Segun seemed fine with the explanation I gave about the emergency and the apology I made afterwards, for not picking his calls. So, the day went well in the end.

Or so I thought.

*Good Riddance by Faith TUNDE-YARA
*Photo Credit:


  1. Yaay! #GR3 is out but wait o, is Tola trying to double-date ni,which one is I wuld av rather sat on the same table as Demola instead of trying to show Vic support,did Segun suddenly evaporate from her life. This Indian route thingy sef frm episode 1 gaan...I was suspecting it. Jessica sef,she can kuku start loving Segun already joor,she doesn't seem to av a love-life apart from a picture-life since Tola don dey do mushy wt Demola. Toh...tyf, #GR4 is much expected o!

    1. Hahaha. This prediction is da bomb. Thanks, Seyi. Let's wait and see what #GR4 would unravel.

  2. Nice piece Ty. I don't think I can cope with a friend like vic, she likes too much attention. Hian!!!! Itching for GR4 #wink

    1. Lol. We all have that one friend like Vic, I suppose. Thanks for stopping by dear. *winks back*

  3. Hmmm...aunty faithiii, esa dawa loun gun episode 4 ooo

    1. 'baby ife... yes ma'. lol. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. OK. One question. When are WE going to sell this episodes to an ace Nollywood producer? Because if you Don't, i will o! Lawyer e o de le mumi si.

    1. Lmao. Funmi oooo, lerrus discuss the "selling" in camera, seeing that your mind is made up. Thanks for stopping dear. I 'yam' happy. Lol.

  5. Hehehe. Nice nice. Wetting our appetites. Was soo sure Demola and Tola will do more than just a bottle of coke in this episode, but I'm eagerly waiting to see wat happens next...

    1. Lol. We're all waiting eagerly. I'm waiting too, as I don't know what will happen next. Thanks for stopping by. *wink*

  6. Hehehe. Nice nice. Wetting our appetites. Was soo sure Demola and Tola will do more than just a bottle of coke in this episode, but I'm eagerly waiting to see wat happens next...


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