Good Riddance... (9)

The past few weeks of my life have been the best I had experienced in a really long time. I was having a ‘ball’. I’m not sure I had been this happy in a while. I couldn't care less about what anyone thought of the steps I had taken in my head and in real life. I was particularly excited that my business had taken a huge turn in a positive direction. There was something about Demola’s presence in my life. I never ran out of ideas. Besides, he never complained that I bothered him at odd hours.
Mum and dad had been involved in all my plans to start off a real fashion store, and dad was exceptionally happy about my decision.
Every conversation in the house was centered on my business – recruiting an assistant for the online store and for making deliveries, getting a shop space, registering the business promptly, designing a real website, and so on.
Every day came with something new, and today was not going to be different. I gave myself a mental pat on the back, as I stepped into my car.

“Rora o (be careful)”, mum said at the top of her voice as she watched me start the car.

“Yes mummy. I’ll be fine” I smiled at my mum as I drove off.
I plugged my phone to the stereo, clicked on my favorite playlist and began humming Jamie Grace’s 'beautiful day', while the gate man opened the gate. I smiled at him, he nodded in return, and I drove out of the compound.

The last two weeks had been hectic, making calls, having conversations with strange people that I hoped to recruit as my assistant, meeting people at really fun places to discuss business and all. And I should be very honest here; every bit of it had been fun all the way. I was back to my real, active self and I loved it.

My Bollywood relationship had been put on hold unintentionally. I just figured Segun was either super busy or was beginning to get the message that I needed space. Don’t ask me what I needed space for. I smiled at the thought of Segun and I. I really couldn't pinpoint when the whole spark began to dwindle.
‘We used to be all lovey dovey or should I say I used to be really into him. I guess I just got bored or maybe he was just filling the gap, helping me heal and get back on my feet after my last messy break up.’
'Oh no. I’ve been a very bad person', I kept soliloquizing.

Segun didn’t deserve the kind of treatment he had been receiving from me lately. He was such a kind, considerate, nice, selfless person.
My mood dampened immediately and in that instant, I decided to do what was right. I was going to come clean with Segun, Jess and my parents. They had a right to know I wasn’t feeling this whole relationship. I felt my tummy twist at the thought of Jessica. I wasn't acting fair to her. She deserved to know about Demola and I. We used to tell each other everything and I wasn't going to start keeping secrets at this stage of our friendship.

A smiled formed on my lips as I thought of Demola, yet again. No direct words had been spoken, but I could feel it deep inside me. It all felt right, very right indeed.
I had one more stop to make before finalizing this whole boutique set up thing. I needed an alteration specialist.

The traffic light prompted me.
“Afternoons were the best times to drive in this city” I thought to myself as I made the turn into Thomson Street.

“Yes, I’m in the street… okay, right turn, then left. Got it” I hung up.

I was bad with finding places after several times of visiting the same location. I had been to Feyi’s shop one more time after Vic’s party but was still not familiar with the different bends in the street.
As I made the left bend, I prayed silently that Vic wouldn't step out of the house out of sheer coincidence. It was unfortunate that most rich kids like me (yeah, yeah) had no normal jobs. I laughed at the thought and kept repeating the description to myself.

“right, then left. Right, then left”.

I parked in front of Feyi’s shop, and stepped out of the car. I had found my alteration specialist and business partner too. Or so, I thought.


“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking” Segun placed his canned malt on the table.

“Okay… and have you been able to come up with a plan?” Dapo asked slowly. He looked intensely at his friend, as if to get the answers out of his eyes.

“That’s the thing. I’m confused, man.
Truth is, I was really hoping to settle down this year, you know. Take my girlfriend to some fancy place of her choice, propose to her, have a destination wedding and all that bellanaija stuff girls often dream about.” He went on.

“But this whole Jessica thing. What if she’s not for real? Girls enh. I fear them o.
Imagine this Tola babe now; for two weeks, it’s just been ‘hi, good morning, good night’, no real conversation. Who does that? I mean” Segun sighed.

“Guy, see ehn, I’ve told you to take things easy and forget Tola. Fine babes are everywhere now. Take a look around you. I don tell you o, na you dey dull yourself since. Tola doesn’t want you, just face it, okay?” Damola patted his friend on the shoulder.

“Dude be serious” Segun responded sternly.

“I’m serious o. To be honest with you, I feel you can be unnecessarily nice and slow at times. Haba, see Toyin in our office now. That babe is really into you, but every time, it’s Tola this, Tola that. I’ll say this one last time: be the one to break up with that girl” Damola took the last sip of his drink and stood up to take his leave.

“Are you serious right now? You’re leaving me here?” Segun asked as he dropped the can on the table to go after his friend and colleague.

“So we have a deal?” 
I was satisfied with everything Feyi and I had discussed. All she had to do was help with any dress fitting or adjustments for clients that had issues with any of their ordered dresses. I was yet to perfect my sewing skills, and I understood that I may not have the time to deal with dress-fitting and adjustment issues. It was only reasonable to have a reliable back-up and assistant to handle that.

“Yes, we do” She smiled back at me.

“I’d love for you to be at the launch of my boutique. I hope you won’t disappoint me.” I began taking steps towards the door.

“It will be my pleasure, sincerely.” Feyi answered nicely.

“I also hope we get to reduce all these formal conversations. You’re super polite. Haba.” We both laughed.

“and I hope I’ll get to meet your bobo too. Please bring him along o, and Toke too. She’s such a sweet girl.”

“Sure. I will” Feyi’s smile widened.

I waved to Toke, Feyi's assistant, who was busy with a dress at the other end of the room.
Feyi and I hugged briefly and I got into my car.
As I turned out of the street, I smiled at myself and made a mental note of the places I had to get to and the things I needed to buy before heading home.

First place on my list was Segun’s office. I sang 'pray for me' along with Darey as I made my way to Ajose Adeogun.

*** Good Riddance by Faith Tunde-Yara
*** Photo credit:


  1. Damola is firm,Damola knows how to give Segun good advice,Damola doesn't take nonsense from girls like Tola,Damola is a man.Be like Damola.

  2. These people should just do the exchange already! Lol! Demola vs Tola(see as their names blend) and Segun vs Jess! Nice piece dear. Itching for the next episode

    1. Lmao. Madam match-maker. The management will see to your request ASAP.

  3. Dis comment, u berrer publish this time o, oro e ti su mi. All ds aye ppl dat dnt want to allow me see my Demola and Tola's union, Olorun o ni gba fun yin o. But sha, Tola will shock gan o wen she sees her boo nd her bff...cnt wait mehn.

    1. I just knew there was a problem when I didn't see you comment since episode 9 came out. Awon enemie can only try. Thanks always, madam loyal follower.

  4. Yaay!!!aunty Faith, iyaff publish o, our last episode now oo...we cant wait no more. Ghen ghen ghen ghen...


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