Chasing Shadows (Episode 9): Finale

You have to tell her the whole truth. I’m sure about this one, okay? She deserves to know…”
“I’m praying for you, son, like I’ve always done. You know that is the only thing that has kept me going…”

His mother’s words rang in his head. He could still feel her gentle squeeze on his shoulders, and the softness of her voice as she prayed for him. He was such a mess all through the week. He decided to get his act together before driving to Lagos that Saturday. He had visited his mother the Friday night before and told her about the call from Sade’s mother. She had smiled in a weird but calm way when he told her. There were so many things he was still trying to figure out in his life, especially what his family had done to deserve series of misfortune. But above all, his mother’s calmness was the one thing he couldn’t figure out. It was not just the prayers and relationship with God that she claimed to draw her strength from. He found it hard to believe that anyone that went through what she had gone through would turn out the way she eventually did, smiling her way through every storm that came. Even though there were days when the pressure was much and she couldn’t hold it in, she always knew what to do at every crossroad most times.

This was not the time and place to admire his own mother’s strength all over again. He came prepared to tell Sade everything, but not prepared to tell her entire family at the same time.
He was done with the normal part of his story; where he schooled, where he did his youth corp, his siblings, the kind of relationship he had with his family, his hobbies, his current career path, and his hopes for the future. He was done with all his fiancée’s family needed to know about him. After all, there were things that should be known only by the couple.

“Impressive. Really impressive. So you can help draw up a building plan for my next shopping mall project.”
Mr. Bello was a hard man to impress, but he was drawn to Siju immediately he set his eyes on him.

“Absolutely sir”.

Siju was more relaxed. This phase was over, he thought to himself. He let out a tiny smile and Sade found herself smiling too. She had her eyes fixed on him the entire time. She was anxious, nervous, and scared at the same time. He indeed told her parents everything she knew about him since they started dating.

Mrs. Bello on the other hand was a bit disappointed. This was not the plan. She shifted on her seat, then took off her glasses and began wiping the already clean glasses with a handkerchief. She couldn’t understand where her husband’s sudden softness was coming from. She was going to stick to the plan. She started with a cough to break what was beginning to look like a nice little reunion of her already wedded daughter with her son-in-law. She feared that the men in the room would change the topic to football or politics if she didn’t come in on time, especially since they now had one thing in common – they were both Chelsea fans.

“So, do you have any other siblings apart from Supo?” Mrs. Bello started, without raising her head from the glasses she was devotedly cleaning.

The transition was so fast that Siju did not realize what he said. In ten seconds, he realized and could feel Sade’s gaze all over him.

“Okay… so it’s just you and your big brother.” Mrs. Bello stressed her words.

“Errm. Actually, not exactly ma…” Siju cleared his throat.

“I used to have a younger sister. We were the twins of our family.” He looked up but avoided eye-contact with Sade’s mum. He smiled a little to cover up his nervousness.

Sade sat up in the chair as soon as she heard ‘twins’.

“Twins?” She tried so hard not to interrupt but she couldn’t help herself this time.

“No, no, no. She was born a year after me. Since the gap was just a year and we looked alike, we were referred to as the twins of the family.” Siju clarified immediately.

“Okay… so what happened to her? You said you ‘used to have’…” Mrs. Bello asked calmly this time, and tried not to be insensitive. She noticed her husband’s rapt attention and was pleased that he was finally back on the plan.

Siju sighed softly and relayed the entire story to the family. He took breaks in between and was glad that Sade’s parents afforded him such breaks.

“I can only imagine what your family went through. We’re so sorry.” Mr. Bello broke the silence that engulfed the room after Siju was done.

“Thank you sir. We’re all doing well now sir. It’s been a long time.” Siju smiled more confidently this time, but the calmness he was beginning to feel from pouring everything out was short-lived.

“But what of your dad? Was he caught in the fire too?” Mr. Bello asked

“Errm… He… No… Actually ma…”

Siju could feel it; it was happening, he couldn’t go through with this. Soon, Sade’s mother would have one of her workers throw him out. He could feel the sweat forming on his head. He bent his head, then raised it. He was hot from within. He dipped his hand in his pocket, and began to search for a handkerchief that was not there in the first place. He bent his head again and began to run his hands over his hair, and down to his face. He shifted on the chair and his legs shook uncontrollably.

“Siju… Siju…” Sade hit the handle of the chair she was seated on, in an attempt to get his attention.

Sade’s parents looked at each other. They were confused.

…Water please…

Sade’s mother called on the cook on the top of her voice, when she noticed that Siju’s routine wouldn’t stop. Her husband dropped the newspaper on the coffee table and sat forward, waiting for Siju to raise his head and answer the simple question his wife just asked.

Sade stood up from her seat when Siju wouldn’t respond. She could notice how he was beginning to drip with sweat. She moved closer but he wouldn’t raise his head up. She walked back hurriedly, picked the newspaper and began to fan Siju with it.

Toyin rushed in with a glass of water in her hand and noticed the pandemonium. She didn’t need to ask who the glass of water was for. She rushed to Sade and handed the glass to her. She rushed back to the kitchen and came back with another bowl of water and a napkin. She found her boss seated on the edge of the chair close to Siju this time, and Mr. Bello also on his feet.

“Siju… talk to me.” Sade whispered in his ears, as she wiped his forehead with the wet napkin again.

Siju felt the chill this time. He couldn’t explain what just happened. He noticed the Bellos all crowded over him, and the cook standing at a close distance from him.

“I’m … I’m sorry.” He started.

“Shhhh… Take your time dear. Just – take – a – deep – breath”. Mrs. Bello said softly.

Siju shifted his gaze from Sade to her mum who just calmed him down.
He was embarrassed.

It had been over a week since Siju embarrassed himself in front of his to-be parents-in-law. He told his mum he had a panic attack when he was asked about his dad. She had made fun of him and called him a coward. He didn’t find it funny at first but after much teasing, and particularly because he was hoping for the best from that visit, he had laughed at himself also. Mrs. Bello had promised to keep in touch and Sade had totally forgiven him for all his weirdness. His rapport with Mr. Bello had flourished miraculously. They insisted that he should stay the night at their place after the panic attack episode, but mostly because he was in tears by the end of the story. It was not easy for him to accept the mental state of his father. He was both shocked and happy at their reaction to the truth. It was more of feeling sorry for him than for despising him and his entire family for being cursed.

His orente ringtone for Sade nudged him back to consciousness.

“Hey gorgeous…” He hid his anxiety.

“Hey you…” Sade giggled.

“Spill it out already…” Siju stood up from the drawing he was analyzing.

“What?” Sade laughed this time.

“I can almost touch your smile here. What’s the good news?” Siju queried.

“Well, nothing in particular. I’m just excited to hear your voice.”

“Hmmnn. I’m now very afraid…” Siju laughed.

“Okay, yes, there’s good news. And not so good news.” Sade started. Siju’s heart began to beat faster.

Sade went on to tell him about her parent’s discussion after he left, how they understood his reason for coming up with the ‘no more’ excuse, and how they encouraged her to support him. Her parents wanted him to visit again and she was calling to find out his availability for the coming weekend. The not-so-good news was that he had to travel back to Lagos again, which was actually good news for Siju.
Siju heaved a sigh of relief. At least, this meant that they wouldn’t stop him from marrying their daughter.

“Errrm, I’ll get back to you on that before the end of the day. So, how’s my queen doing?”

They picked up the discussion on the wedding plans. Sade was back; His Sade was back. Siju smiled satisfactorily as he conversed with his fiancée.



“We’re gathered here today to witness the solemnization of the holy matrimony of Sijuade and Folasade…”

Supo played the role of the pastor and tried not to laugh as he read through one of the wedding programs in Siju’s house, which he used to rehearse his role.

“Be serious now…” Sade cut in.

“Okay, I’m tired. What’s the essence of this rehearsal when we would still have a normal dress rehearsal in your church?” Siju left Sade and Supo standing while he collapsed into the chair.

“You guys are such a bore…” Sade walked to the opposite chair and sat down.

“Congrats guys… I’ve never really congratulated you both, you know?” It was time for Supo to take his seat. Acting was over.

He was excited for his little brother that was not so little anymore.

The sound of the oven alerted Sade.

“Thanks B-I-L” Sade said with a wide smile, as she got up to check the cake they had all made for Mr. Olajire.
She brought out the cake from the oven, placed it in a cake box, packed up the disposable plates, cups, and cutlery into a paper bag, and then began moving the things for the party out of the kitchen, and into the car one after the other.

“A little help here, guys…” she said as she walked back to the kitchen to begin moving the coolers into the car.


“On our way, your highness…” Siju said as he turned off the TV and dragged his elder brother up. They both laughed.

“Please call mummy. I don’t want us to be late.” Sade said, facing Supo.

Her phone began to ring. Siju answered the phone before Sade could get back in to pick the call. It was her parents, they were already in Ibadan, and they needed a description to the venue. Siju described to his best of his ability and began to hurry Sade and Supo up after dropping the call.

“We have to go now… they are here.”

“Okay, okay…So how do I look?” Sade looked into Siju’s eyes to get the sincere answer she wanted, just in case Siju decided to say otherwise.

“Absolutely gorgeous, my love… But you need to touch up your make-up, just a tiny little bit…”

Siju gave her a peck and dragged her gently into the car, before she could start another round of questions.

The ride to the venue was fun all the way. Sade sang while Supo parted the songs, and Siju just nodded and laughed to the melody. It was their introduction ceremony and his dad’s birthday. He knew it was an awkward arrangement, but had never felt more at peace and excited to visit his dad.

His mum and cousins had gotten to the psychiatric home to prepare the place. She had made arrangements with the management and the nurses on duty for that Saturday. She had invited a pastor from her church to help coordinate the entire celebration. She considered herself blessed to have in-laws like the Bellos, who suggested the entire plan. Siju’s mum was not only glad that they could be that considerate, but she was moved to tears when Sade’s mum called and suggested the plan to have their children’s introduction ceremony on the same day as her husband’s birthday.

“I’m sure he would love that…” Mrs. Bello had said calmly, as she waited for Siju’s mum to gather herself together after a round of tears. She didn’t even know when she joined in the tears.

“It will all work out well. He’ll get better…” Mr. Bello had taken the phone from his wife, and continued the conversation with Mrs. Olajire, and the entire plan was perfected, together with the young couple involved.

“Mosunnnn….” Sade jumped out of the car to hug her friend, the one she could now call a best-friend, and the only one she had told about everything.

“Congrats baby…” Mosun said as she hugged her friend back warmly.

In less than 10 minutes, Sade’s parents were at the venue and the ceremony began.

Siju smiled as he looked at his father, who had been dressed in a starched atiku. He sat calmly, and looked better. His hair had been shaved and the nurses told them he was beginning to respond to treatment, yet again. Siju wiped the tear that was beginning to form in his eyes; he could only be grateful. He knew it wasn’t the first time the nurses talk about the improvement of his father’s health. He squeezed Sade’s hand and smiled without looking at her. He said a silent prayer inside of him, for his father to get better before his wedding, which would now hold six months after this introduction ceremony.

They both knelt at the instruction of the pastor and said ‘amen’ to the prayers their family and friends showered them with.

Sade opened her eyes as the prayer went on and tapped Siju.

“I love you…” She said softly, with the cutest smile Siju had ever seen her wear.

“I love you too…” Siju replied, and then shut his eyes to continue with the prayers.

***THE END***

*** CHASING SHADOWS by Faith Tunde-Yara
***Photo credit:

Thank you all for following this series devotedly. Big thanks to everyone that shared the series with friends, and have been dropping comments on every or any episodes thus far. I apologise for the tiny delays in releasing the episodes, and I promise to get better for the next short story. I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I did. Please leave your comments after.
Let's do this again, sometime soon.
... Faith Tunde-Yara


  1. Wow...see ending,gosh...i should celebrate this ending at the palms this weekend... I nefa hesperredit it. Kudos Faith.

  2. Wow...see ending,gosh...i should celebrate this ending at the palms this weekend... I nefa hesperredit it. Kudos Faith.

    1. Lmao. Please invite me to the celebration o. Thanks, Seyi.

  3. Awwwwww.. sebi I told you, love conquers all. Weldone sis. Oya on to the next series. Me I don't want any part 2 of this story o because I know you well, dahs how you will goan scatter this love btw Siju and Sade now. Just leave dem with their happy ending biko. But please, can the title of the next one be Shadows Caught?

    1. Ife ooo. I can't laugh alone, Abeg. Shadows caught, right? No problem. The management will look into it. Thanks dear, for following the series.

  4. Amazing ending but this not the end o. We want chasing spirits loll. Beautiful work dear. I like the apt capturing.

    1. Yaaayyyy. Thanks dear. You're welcomed to write 'Chasing spirits'. I'll gladly publish. Who am I to stop you? Lol. Thanks again.

  5. No episode 10? ehn oya part 2 oooo. Nice one but it cannt end here, even if you would introduce other characters around them or better still introduce Supos love story. it sha cannot end like that. Shadows Caught is part 2!!!

    1. Hahaha. Yes ma. It can't end here. I'll be happy to post 'Shadows Caught' by Debola Odubitan. Hurry o. Let's publish your story.
      Thanks dear. Muuaah.

  6. Victory at last@posting comment!

    Kudos sis. I really enjoyed this episode. But it should not have ended sharp sharp like that now. It should have been like yoruba movie now. In the script ehn, Siju's father will get well cos of the thought of seeing His remaining children do well- Siju is getting married (that means grandchildren) and Supo is reviving his business. You see! But you will not spoil Sade's love story sha o.

    Great read. Well done.

    1. Lmao. See idea o. You're talented fah. Just write, I'll gladly publish.
      Congrats on the winning the 'comment posting' battle.
      Thanks dear.

  7. ...and they lived happily ever after... Such an amazing story. Weldone Faith.

  8. Bravo Bravo. Beautiful story. You took us to the heights of mount everest then dropped us down suddenly in an abrupt end. There must b a part

    1. Lol. Sorry naw. I should take this demand for part 2 seriously. *whew*.
      Thanks for reading through.

  9. Bravo Bravo. Beautiful story. You took us to the heights of mount everest then dropped us down suddenly in an abrupt end. There must b a part

  10. Beautiful love story. It ended well...
    You can visit my blog for fiction stories too.

    1. Thanks Carina. I'll definitely check your blog.


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