A Couple of Three... Episode 5

It had been three hours since the surprise meal Kunle was making for his wife was ready. He dished the meal in a food flask to keep it warm. He had no plans of calling her, just (to show how serious he was about having the unwanted guest out of his house) so he wouldn't ruin the surprise. He also decided to wait for her to return before eating, but after two hours of waiting, he couldn't stop the hunger pangs. He then helped himself to a few slices of yam and egg, with a cup of cold tea. He enjoyed the meal in front of a repeat football match of his club on Supersports channel and fell asleep shortly after.

Sewa walked into the dark sitting room with her shoes in her hands. She was exhausted from driving. Fikayo was able to convince to get out of the house and stop moping about some Tade exit. Along with Chioma, they spent the better part of their Sunday at De Palms Mall.
After hours of window shopping, Fikayo saved the day by buying her husband a new bible at a christian book store; it was some fancy 'Men's Bible' in the New Living Translation, with sufficient blues and greys in the lettering and back cover. Her highlight of the day was meeting Chioma. She was the definition of happy-go-lucky. She rolled out hilarious stories without struggle during their pizza break and Sewa knew instantly that they would get along just fine. Fikayo ensured Sewa got home in one piece, especially since her driving was still imperfect and she had a big 'L' sign stuck to her car.

"So, I'll call Tade and we'll arrange that get-together before the week runs out." Sewa said.

"No, no, no. Don't worry your head with that. I'll finalize plans with him and get back to you. You should avoid more Tade talks in the house at this time, okay?" Fikayo cut in.

The friends hugged briefly before Fikayo got back into her car to drive home, while Sewa drove into her own compound.

"Darl, I'm home...." Sewa announced as she walked in. She switched on the lights and found Kunle sleeping on the sofa. She dropped her shoes and purse on the rug, walked quietly to the chair and lifted his head up gently. She relaxed into the chair and placed his head back on her laps.

Kunle was a light sleeper. He woke up immediately Sewa walked in but pretended to still be deeply asleep.

Sewa patted her husband's hair gently, and walked her way through to his face, and then his beards.

"Olukunle mi, I love you." She whispered.

She gently pulled out the remote that seemed stuck in Kunle's hands and began changing the channels. She eventually settled for African Magic Yoruba, only because she saw her favorite movie star on the screen. She watched the movie disinterestedly but soon drifted to sleep.


"Please include me in your get-together for Tade..." Chioma pleaded as she got down from the car.

"No wahala... My regards to Tracy. Next Sunday, we would actually go to church..."

They both laughed and bade each other goodbye.

Fikayo was now alone. She had to go home, but still needed answers. She had played the good friend role with Sewa all day, controlling herself from asking further questions and insisting that they opened the box Tade brought for them. She suspected that there was more to the whole return of Tade and was determined to solve the entire mystery.

But first, she had to get home; her husband would be home already. She was sure he would have sorted himself, since it was normal for her to get back home late on Sundays because of her numerous church meetings.
She walked into the house with excitement, placing the new bible in one hand and her handbag and bible bag in the other.

"Honey..." Fikayo called out, dropping everything she was carrying on the sofa to give her husband a hug. She found him in the kitchen doing the dishes, and hugged him from behind.

"Service must have been really wonderful today..." Bosun laughed as he rinsed his hands, and turned to hug his wife.

"What do you mean?" Fikayo knew what he meant.

"... am I not always excited to see you?" She released herself from his embrace.

"Haba. You just seem to be in such high spirits today as opposed to the usual exhaustion from plenty meetings." Bosun drew his wife closer and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Anyway, guess what I got you?" She was actually in high spirits.

Fikayo rushed to the sitting room to get the bible, but Bosun couldn't wait for his surprise. He walked out of the kitchen after her.

"Ta-daaa...." Fikayo presented the bible, grinning from ear to ear.

"What's this?" Bosun looked disappointed. It was yet another bible gift from his wife. He suddenly grew tired.

"It's the latest Men for Real bible by Myles..."

"I know what it is; another bible. Thanks." Bosun interrupted coldly. He collected the bible and made his way to the bedroom. He figured he should take his leave before his wife began nagging him about the need to be excited at the word of God.

"But baby..." Fikayo pretended to sulk, but did nothing to stop her husband from going to the bedroom.

She smiled once he was out of sight and walked to the backyard.
She had found a way to get Tade's Nigerian number from Sewa while they were at the mall. It was time to unravel the mystery. She dialed his number instantly.

"Olutade..." She called out sternly.
"What are you doing back home?" Fikayo continued.

"Hey Fifi. Sorry about earlier. I had to hurry; Sewa's husband couldn't stand my presence..." He laughed sarcastically.

"Enough with the long story; just answer my question. Why are you here?" Fikayo was running out of patience.

"Hey madam. What's with the tone?" Tade retorted.
"Can't I come back to my home country to relax, and decide to check up on you ladies before..." He stopped abruptly.

"Don't piss me off." He continued coldly.

"Now, what do you want?" Tade turned the tables.

"I need answers; and right now too." Fikayo was not moved by the tone of Tade's voice.

"Fikayo, you're pissing me off. I'll end this call right now..." Tade replied sternly.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. It's just that you came back unannounced and I was..."

"Look, Fikayo, I'm sorry. I'm here now and we would catch up..." Tade cut in.

"You know what, I'll come around tomorrow and we can plan something for us all..." Fikayo reneged on her plan to trace the hotel Tade went to lodge in that evening. She decided to continue her search for answers the following day.
They chatted for a few more minutes before ending the call.

Fikayo hissed as she stepped back into the house.

She felt her stomach turn. She knew there was more to the way Sewa was behaving and it made her sick to the stomach. She remembered how smooth her life was without Sewa showing up magically to ruin everything; everything between herself and Tade. 

Her entire stay at the University of Pretoria had been super awesome, with just Tade and herself making waves as part of the international students in the school. They had met in their first year, at one of the orientation programs organized for International Students. It wasn't difficult to find a fellow Nigerian, especially during the introductions, but Tade seemed different. His name was definitely Nigerian, but his accent said otherwise. He was studying Visual Arts, and even though Fikayo knew nothing about Arts, she suddenly found it fascinating.
She was quick to chat him up immediately after the program, introducing herself as a fellow Nigerian, admitted to study Law. They had exchanged numbers and had been best of friends since then. Actually, Tade had no choice. Fikayo had appointed herself as the sister he never had, by checking up on him regularly.
She soon found out that though he was Nigerian, he never lived in Nigeria. He had only been to Nigeria once when he was 10 years old, to attend his grand father's burial. His entire family were based in the United States of America.

Fikayo could not deny that she was drawn to Tade from the first day they met. The attachment to him grew stronger because of everything that he was; and to top it all, an A-student. She was never going to ask a guy out but if there was a slight chance that she could ask one guy out, it would have been Tade.

Months turned into years and the fourth and final year came for both of them.
They had grown so close without any strings attached on Tade's part, to the point where their schedules were intertwined. They went to places together; shopped together, jogged together, read together, and sometimes found ways to cook at each other's places. Fikayo already pictured them together, and she hoped for the manifestation in real life.

On one random Saturday, they (Tade, Fikayo, Felix, and Thando) were having their usual early morning jog; with the guys in front while the ladies paused a few times to catch their breath. Fikayo was particularly exhausted that morning, but as she hastened to join the others who were now far ahead of her, she bumped into someone.

"Bi won o se ni wo ibi ti won lo niyen (they wouldn't concentrate on where they're going)... Fikayo blurted out in Yoruba, blaming the bump on the lanky girl that laid helpless on the floor with her earpiece and iPod out of her pockets.

The fall must have been worse than Fikayo imagined, because her three friends had found a way to turn round to help the poor girl.

"So you blame me for this?" Sewa was shocked. She had only just resumed to the University and was still getting to know the environment. She shook her head in disgust as she helped herself up and began dusting her knees.

Fikayo turned her face in embarrassment, after realizing that the lanky girl understood her language.

Tade picked up the earpiece and iPod and handed them to Sewa, before getting on with the introductions.

"I'm Sewa Benson, first year, Dance student..." She said softly.

Fikayo found her course of study hilarious, and she let out a small laugh. Tade looked sternly at her and she stopped.
She eventually apologized, before Tade went on to introduce them all.

In no time, she  was part of the clique and this time, it was Tade's turn to appoint himself as a brother Sewa never had; and more than that.

Fikayo saw less of Tade after that morning, and although their friendship remained, it took on a major strain. She decided to become friends with Sewa instead, since she knew it was the only way to maintain her closeness to Tade.

Then one day, Tade broke the news that he would be starting his Masters program immediately. He had gotten a scholarship that would fund the degree and he didn't want to waste the opportunity.
Fikayo had been heartbroken. She cried and yelled, while Tade stood there in her room, confused.

"You liar. It's that Sewa girl, right? You're staying because of her..." She threw her pillow at him and got up from her bed.

Tade moved towards the door. He wasn't sure of what to do. He had never seen Fikayo that way, and he was totally shocked at the way she took the news of his scholarship.

"Fifi... calm down..." he chose his words carefully.

"Don't Fifi me." She yelled.

"Just go..." Fikayo found a way to calm herself and walked Tade out of her room that evening.

Without further words being said, Tade understood the reason for Fikayo's reaction.
They found a way to settle the issue before their graduation, and Fikayo accepted her fate.
Tade stayed back to continue his studies, but kept in touch with Fikayo all through.

Fikayo was even more certain that there was more to his sudden visit to Nigeria, since he found a way to leave that vital information out some days before he arrived, during their usual once-in-a-while whatsapp chats.

"I'll definitely figure this out..." She told herself as she walked into the sitting room to pack all the things she dropped on the sofa into the room.

This time around, she decided to carry out her investigation to protect Sewa. She had grown to love Sewa before she left Pretoria, and after they reconnected in Nigeria again. She soon found out what sweet soul she was, and felt ashamed that she blamed her for taking Tade away from her. She was actually plain and simple, she thought to herself.


Sewa woke up in bed, some minutes past 10 pm. She figured she must have been so exhausted that she didn't know when her husband carried her into the bedroom. She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Hey sleepy head..." Kunle was also up. He was doing some reading on his laptop.

"Hey..." Sewa answered softly.

"You were so tired; you even snored..." Kunle smiled.

"No way, I don't snore." She sat up in bed and shifted her body closer to her husband's.

"I'm sorry about the whole Tade issue..." She leaned on him.

"Shhhh... It's fine. You ruined my surprise..." Kunle said, with a smile on his face.

"What surprise?"

"Never mind. Since you don't know, it would remain a surprise for another time..." Kunle smiled again.

Sewa got up from the bed and made her way to the rest room to ease herself.

"By the way, Fikayo was here. She came with a friend, Chioma..." Sewa said from the bathroom.

"Okay..." He responded beneath this breath.

She got out from the bathroom in no time, changed into her night gown and was about making her way downstairs to fix herself something to eat.

"Come here..." Kunle said in his husky voice. He put the laptop aside and opened his arms for his wife to walk into.

"But I said I was sorry..." Sewa started. She walked into her husband's loving arms and stayed put in his embrace.
He stroked her hair gently and said nothing for a minute, before letting out a quiet "I love you."
He released his hold and she smiled at him. She told him she was famished and needed to eat something that night. Kunle promised to join her downstairs, in a short while, and took one more look at his wife as she walked out the room.

Sewa noticed the big box pulled to the main corridor as she descended the stairs. She suddenly began to tiptoe down the rest of the stairs.
She went straight to the box and pulled it back into the guest room. She traced the zipper and found the small padlock with the combination code. She set the code to '0000', but it wouldn't open. She tried '1234', then '4321', and several other random numbers without any luck.
She was getting frustrated, and wondered why Tade would lock the box without giving her the code to the padlock. A thought crossed her mind to call him to ask for the code, but she remembered leaving her phone in the bedroom.
She sighed and was about pushing the box back into the wardrobe, when it crossed her mind to try another set of numbers. She set the code to '1490', and the padlock flung open. She suddenly became scared, and her fingers began to shake; followed by her entire body. The combination code was her date of birth: 01-04-1990. She told herself to calm down, as she opened the zipper gently.

She was relieved at the blue jacket that was spread across the top part of the box. She lifted up the jacket immediately, and was further relieved at the dresses, scarfs, shoes and purses she saw; each bearing both her name and Fikayo's to help them differentiate. She used her hands to push aside the remaining wears to see if there was any other thing under, and when she found nothing, she pressed the dresses that were now scattered into the box, and closed it. She figured, it would be fun to have Fikayo around when sorting out the content of the box.

Her tummy reminded her of the reason she came down the stairs in the first place, and she hurriedly left the guest room. She walked out of the room and found him standing at the door.

He took a long look at her again and walked up the stairs.

Sewa tried to explain what she was doing in the room but she was too hungry to go through with it. She sighed and made her way to the kitchen to fill her belly.

***A Couple of Three by FAITH TUNDE-YARA
***Photo credit: www.pinterest.com


  1. OMG....hahahha this is not fair. I was hoping things will go bad but it didn't. This suspense is deep Faith. You are increasing my cravings oo. I can't wait for the next one.

    1. Lolll... Episode 6 will be out soon.
      Thanks for stopping by, dear.

  2. There is fire on the candle #inAsa'svoice. Yet another ghen ghen suspense.

    1. Lmao. Na real fire on the candle.
      Deewura mama, thanks for stopping by.

  3. Hmmmm...lemme jst wait. Suspense will nt kuku kill somebody. Asiri idi ikoko maa to tu. See d way wise Kunle quickly dismissef hs own ex bt some ppl wee b bringing such into deir matrimonial home...orisirisi iranu.
    Kudos to Admin...ekuuse.

    1. Lmao. Abi now @ Kunle's dismissal of ex. It's good to have you back.

  4. Just when I was going to start liking Fikayo, so she has ulterior motives. Sewa needs a friend to set her brain right.
    PS: Fikayo shd learn to give gifts to jer hubby out of pure love, not abosi. Is Bible by force?!

    1. Lmao. You can never have too many bibles nah.


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