My aunt (aunty Dupe) walked into my room on a Sunday afternoon after church with a glass of juice in hand. As grateful as I was for the warmth, love and care I was showered with by my aunt, her husband and only daughter who was several years younger than me, I couldn't stop the feeling of rejection from my parents that crept in once in a while. She set the glass cup on one side of my dressing table, and balanced her small frame on the low stool positioned in front of the mirror. "Bisola" she called out softly. "Ma" I replied quietly. "Don't you like it here?" She turned my face up to look directly into her eyes. "I do... " I really felt comfortable living with my aunt but I had so much bottled up inside including a foetus without a father. I tried to stop the tears from flowing down. "Shhh, shhhh" aunty Dupe moved the stool with her body towards me and began patting me on the back. "Everything will be just...