If I ever heard my parents argue, it must have been a long time ago, probably when I was still a little girl.
As I sat in my room that evening, wondering where I'd find someone to stand in as the 'father of the child', I heard voices from my parents' bedroom. I knew the argument had everything to do with me. I suspected it was the result of mum 's conversation with whoever she called in the study.
I tiptoed back to the corridor with the hope of picking one or two things from the crux of the argument.

"She's going. She has to go. It will save us the stress of having to explain to everyone..." I imagined her walking to my father to make this statement. She was probably on her knees as she spoke.

"You won't have to go through the trauma that came with such public humiliation before the entire congregation..." This time, mum spoke in a rather low pitch. I imagined her placing her hands on father's laps if father was sitting on the bed.

"Alright, alright..." Father said reluctantly and mum thanked him.

I tiptoed back to my room, jumped into bed and covered myself with a duvet. I heard the door to my parents' room open and I knew mum was coming to break the news of whatever agreement she was able to reach with father to me.


The following day, I was all packed and ready to leave. My head still ached from all the crying I did while mum spilled out the 'command'. My parents had agreed that I go to mum's cousin's place in Port Harcourt. We all called her our aunt as there was no other way to describe the relationship between us. It was depressing to know that my parents would agree to send me over to some far away place to protect themselves from public humiliation.
Father soon joined us in the room and for the first time in two weeks, I saw the love in his eyes as he explained why it would be better for me to stay with my aunt that was eager to receive me, rather than go through any form of stigma that came with bearing a child out of wedlock. As much as I loved father more for speaking nicely to me like he always did before the entire incidence, I was shocked that my parents did not consider what would happen to my work; the remaining months left for me to complete NYSC; and the process of obtaining my certificate after NYSC was over. They were going to sort of all that out, I figured. My opinion at that moment did not count and I had no strength in me to state a case for myself.

The prayers for my journey were so long, I knew deep down that father was not pleased with the arrangement. I hugged him for a few seconds, before mum cut in.

"We don't have all day..." Mum said as she picked up my medium-sized suitcase and walked out of the house.
Father was quiet all through. He watched me drag the second suitcase out of the house and he stood till mum and I were settled in the car.


To say I was received with open arms by my aunt and her husband would be underestimating what I actually experienced. It was my first time of traveling several hours by road and I was exhausted by the time we arrived at Waterlines Junction on Aba road. I was relieved to find my aunt waiting at the entrance of the bus park for me.
She recognized me first as it would have been difficult for me to recognize her anyway. She was not one of those aunts that my siblings and I spoke with often and we had only seen pictures of her on facebook. She helped with one of my suitcases and led the way to the car where her husband was waiting.
I settled in faster than I imagined and it was then I became grateful that my parents thought of sending me off to this nice couple. However, it took some time before I realized what the actual arrangement was.


08 March 2017
Casandara Shopping Mall, Ilupeju

Bisola tried to stop her heart from racing as she walked into the mall that Wednesday afternoon. She made sure Akin was well settled in the agreed spot before finding a seat for herself at Chips and Grills - a convenient place for her to see whoever Akin was going to meet. She had practically jumped on Akin when he informed her of finding some links to 'Sharon's baby daddy'. He made a few calls and he was going to meet some guy named Marcus Adeoye, a journalist as well.

"I doubt if it's this guy though..." Akin said as he tried to convince Bisola to stop the so-called investigation on a fellow journalist.

"Let's just see if he's the one. I'd ask Sharon to send me his picture but this is definitely the name she gave me..." Bisola cleared her throat and tried to act normal as she listened to Akin's plan to meet with Marcus the following day.

Concentrating on work the following day was the most difficult thing Bisola had ever done, as she found it rather tasking to stop checking the time for the appointment Akin had set. She hurried out of work to catch up with Akin once it was lunch time.

As she chewed on her fries disinterestedly, while focusing her gaze on Akin and the empty seat before him, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned back in a hurry and was shocked to see him.

"I knew it! I knew it!" He said excitedly.

Bisola's mouth was still ajar as she watched him pull out a seat for himself directly opposite him.

"How did you... where did you... where have you..." She tried to get over the shock of seeing him once again.

"Ina lafiya (I'm fine)" He cut in.
"It's so good to see you. Wow! It's been what... three years, four years?" He continued.

A confused Bisola  tried to wrap her head around what seemed to be a coincidence and in that moment, all rehearsed reactions and plans eluded her. The entire place seemed stuffy all of a sudden. Bisola picked her bag in a hurry and rushed out of the eatery. He followed her and she was grateful for that.

"Hey. Hold on..." He caught up with her, as she stopped by her car.

"Marcus..." Bisola composed herself.

"Yes, it's me in flesh and blood..." He laughed.

Bisola took a closer look at him and wondered where he surfaced from. He hadn't changed much and there was no doubt he was still the same person, especially since he just spoke in Hausa some minutes back.

"Kaina (my own)" She said softly this time .

"Oh my... you take me back... Come here." Marcus walked up to Bisola and gave her a hug.

Bisola found herself hugging him back and after the brief embrace, she noticed the ring on his finger as he made attempts to convince her to return with him to the mall. He was here to meet with someone and he was sure it would be a brief meeting. They could catch up on old times after the meeting, he said.
Bisola made up some emergency office meeting as an excuse for not going back into the mall with him. They exchanged numbers and hugged one more time.

"I'll definitely give you a call." The excited Marcus said as he hurried back into the mall.

"Yeah. Take care.." Bisola said dryly, as she watched him leave.

"Regards to your wife..." She muttered under her breath and gave herself a mental slap for not saying that out loudly.

She got into the car and began hitting the steering repeatedly, as she scolded herself for letting him go once again. The thought of having his mobile number however, consoled her.

HOOK, LINE AND SINKER by Faith Olatunbosun


  1. Okay o... Let's be watching this 'fim'.
    Kudos ma'am.

  2. Bisola is annoying me! That is why she did not win BBN. Un-sharp girl. by the way, that PH arrangement is that aunty will adopt the baby. Don't even go and change the story o! i know.

    1. Lmao. Adopt which baby?
      😂😂😂 That's not the arrangement nah. Wait for episode 5.
      Thanks for stopping by sis. 😀

  3. When will the next episode be out? Can't wait!

    1. Awww. Thanks for stopping by. Next episode will be out in a bit.

  4. at least sharon's days of boredom can take a vacation now... why would she just let the Marcus guy go again,well I guess the ring she saw started giving her goosebumps

    1. Lmao. I guess so too @goose bumps. Thanks for stopping by. 😉


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