No, she was not allergic to any fruit juice. At least, not until four years ago. She had landed in the hospital a second time and had been admitted for longer based on her request. She contacted Sharon the second day after becoming a bit stable, just to alert her and to request that she come by the hospital whenever she could. The doctors were not saying anything major, and if they were, her aunt was doing a good job at concealing it and calming her down with the stereotypical ‘you’ll be fine my dear’ response. Sharon, who was a nutritionist by profession and generally, a know-it-all person looked her in the eye one of those days doting aunty Dupe was not around and asked: "What exactly did the doctors say is wrong? I know first pregnancies can be tough for some people but it's the second time you're coming here in less than two months..." "I don't know. I'm just tired..." Bisola sat up on the hospital bed and reached for the bottle ...