The next day couldn't have begun on a better note. First, it was Peju apologizing genuinely for making the call the previous night. It was rare to find Peju apologizing for anything even if she was wrong. She always found an excuse to justify her actions. Next, was a credit alert from one of the magazines Bisola wrote for as a side job. And the best part was breakfast already made by the excited bride-to-be, Peju. The usual early morning rush made it almost impossible to have a proper breakfast before going to work.

"This is the best bribe ever." Bisola smiled at her cousin. She rushed her sandwich and tea and hurried out of the house with Peju.

"You're welcome. Now the keys please..." Peju smiled and stretched out her hands to receive the car keys from a stunned Bisola.

"Oh wow. We should fight more often..." Bisola laughed as she helped herself into the passenger's seat while Peju took the wheels. Even though Bisola loved driving, the stress that came with driving in Lagos was beginning to take its toll on her.
The cousins chatted all the way to work and Bisola took the wheels after Peju alighted at her office.

As she continued the ride to work, she made mental notes of all she had to do for the day. She had woken up with expectation of a text message from Marcus but when no message came in, she figured it was no use pursuing Marcus, especially since he didn't seem to care. There and then, she determined to put Marcus behind her and concentrate on work. She also told Peju not to go on with the blind date arrangement. Love will find her when it's time; she had to stop being desperate to find love - she told herself.

With that determination, she stepped into the office and immersed herself in work and more work.

"And... done!" Bisola said out loud as sent out the last of the mails with articles to different people and two magazines she worked with. It was only then she realized the time was well past noon. She gave herself a mental pat on the back for being back to her usual self - the workaholic.

"Working is so much fun" she told herself as she resumed typing. She dismissed the thought of having lunch, especially since recent lunch times have been accompanied with dramatic events that she didn't bargain for. Her day was going on so well and if having lunch would ruin it, she would rather starve. A part of her wanted to check up on Akin but she made a mental note to check up on him before going home.
She knew it was rather strange for him not to stop by her table to disturb her as usual, but she figured he must be busy just like everyone else.

"So this is the plan..." His voice startled her and she jumped off her seat.

"Oh my... You startled me"

"To literally use and dump me" Akin continued, while ignoring her frightened look.

"What are you talking about?" Bisola sighed as she balanced into her seat. She breathed in and out a few times to regain composure.

He sat on the edge of her table and smiled sarcastically.

"I really don't understand what you're on to." Bisola moved the books on the edge of the table to allow him more space for sitting. She needed to understand the point he was trying to make. She had searched her mental storeroom in a hurry for any instances where she bruised Akin's ego and couldn't find one. She was certain that nothing had warranted a using and dumping in their work-related friendship.

"Oh, I'm on to you Bisola..." Akin moved from the edge of the seat closer to Bisola's chair.
"Remember how well you believe in my detective skills?" He paused to enjoy the reaction from her.

"I did find Marcus."

"You did? But you said..." Bisola tried to keep up with the act.

"I only said what I said because you've not been straight with me either..." Akin cut in.

"Well, after successfully finding Marcus, I decided to continue the winning streak and put these skills I didn’t know I had to test." He continued.

"I’m sure by now, we both know you weren’t asking for a friend Bisola. I am just disappointed that you didn’t tell me the truth as if I cannot handle it”

“Akin, I am not sure I understand you” Bisola quipped. A part of her hoped this was all a misunderstanding.

"Well, since you want me to spell it out, your friend Sharon is you my dear Bisola. Are you going to tell me the full story yourself or would you rather I complete my detective job?" Akin let out a mischievous laugh as he rubbed his palms together in excitement.

"So much for having a day that doesn't run all the way back to Marcus" Bisola thought to herself. She let out a sigh and adjusted on her seat.

"Look Akin, I'm sorry about all of this. You don't deserve the stress I put you through, and..."

"Wow... Just wow..." Akin stood up from the table.
"You're good... you're so damn with good at what you do... and how you do it" Akin laughed.

"I'm sorry, okay? But no, I'm not ready to tell you the full story. I hope you understand" She ignored Akin's sarcastic comment and began searching for a pair of earpiece in her bag.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily, Bisola. You're not!" He said into her ears, after which he made his way out of the office.

Bisola sighed, dropped the handbag, picked her phone and hurried after him. She wasn't going to let stupid Marcus ruin her friendship and trust earned with Akin.

"It's complicated, Akin; way more complicated than I made it look." She started.

And trust me, you don't want to waste your valuable detective skills on Marcus and my complicated life" She paused in the parking lot to catch her breath.

"Okay... Can we at least go for lunch? You've been buried in your computer all day that you didn't even realize that some of us still exist." He laughed genuinely this time.

"Whew. Okay... But lunch will be on me. At least, let me pay for the stress I put you through" She said as she hurried back to the office to get her bag.

"Things to do. Eliminate lunch breaks from your routine to avoid drama" She told herself quietly as she stepped into the car.

"...and one glass of pineapple juice for the pretty lady, please" Akin smiled.

"Okay sir. I'll be with you shortly" The waiter said as she walked away.

"Now that's how all waiters should be"

"You mean all smiles and flirty?" Bisola chipped in as she laughed at his facial expression to her comment.

He joined in the laughter as his numerous attempts to convince her of his genuine admiration of the waiter's enthusiasm towards her work, proved abortive. They were back to their usual selves and Bisola was glad to have her good day back.

"You know I was just about asking how you find out new food outlets..." Bisola paused on her food.
"But I figured it's your investigative skills being put to good use, again" She laughed.

"What's a bloody bachelor like me going to do?" He replied with food in his mouth.

Bisola picked the glass of juice set before her and took a sip. She immediately spat out the golden-yellow liquid to her side, not minding who was looking or who got spat on in the process.

"What's the matter?" Akin was shocked and confused at the same time. It was not his first time of ordering food and drink at the restaurant.

"It's pineapple. That's what's wrong." Bisola blurted angrily as she picked up her bag and rushed out of the restaurant.
Akin hurried to the serving point, handed over a few notes to the waiter and rushed after Bisola.

"But you heard when I ordered. Why didn't you say anything?" He caught up with her before she got to the car.

"I guess I wasn't listening..." She paused.

"You're allergic? Oh my. I'm so sorry." Akin pleaded.

"It's fine... I'm sorry too." Bisola heaved a sigh of relief inwardly. She had been trying to cook up a reasonable excuse for spitting out the juice as she walked towards the car but Akin's response couldn't have come at a better time.

"I owe you lunch money". She began searching through her bag for her wallet as they continued towards his car.

"Nah, don't worry about it. Besides, I ruined it by making that stupid juice order." Akin said as he opened the door for her to get in.

"You're a good person, Akin." Bisola said to herself but smiled outwardly at Akin.

She began making mental notes of things to sort out in her life immediately. This entire situation had gone on for far too long. She picked up her phone and sent a text message to Sharon. She would be coming to Port Harcourt on Saturday to pick up her child. She had hidden him for too long. It was time to let everyone, including her parents, know that she had a four-year old son named Mark.

HOOK, LINE and SINKER by Faith Olatunbosun
This episode was written by Faith Olatunbosun and Anike Alli-Hakeem*

*Anike is a Dreamer. She loves the arts and is quick-witted.

Read previous episodes here: Epsiode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5; and Episode 6


  1. its getting complicated i think,how did she give birth in ph under her aunts watch n her folks dnt knw? pls get me bk on track wt the next episode kiakia o

    1. All complications would be resolved soon. 😁
      Thanks for stopping by. 😉

  2. My thoughts precisely!@Oluwaseyi Olatunbosun. Kudos to Faith and Anike. U two are a formidable force ❤💙

    1. Thanks a lot Vic, for always stopping by. I'd definitely relay your compliments to Anike. 😘☺


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