I would like to apologize firstly to every single person that is devoted to this blog and/or at any time has read a post on this blog, for my recent inconsistencies. My next apology is to myself for being so hard on me for not meeting the target I set for the release of the episodes for this series. Lol. It's been a super hectic past few months and it's only fair that I let everyone know I'm no super human, just in case anyone has been thinking otherwise. I set a one-month target for the completion of this series and I've been unable to meet that target for so many reasons. But the good thing is I haven't given up! And that's the short message I wanted to pass across before we go on with the next episode of Hook, Line and Sinker.

Don't give up on the goals and targets you set at the beginning of the year. It may seem that time is running out (and yes, time is actually running out. It's June already and I wish I could push the year back to February... lol) but trust me, you can still achieve that goal if you work harder at it.

Now, let's get to the story, shall we?
You can read previous episodes here: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7, and Episode 8.

Feel free to share links to the story with friends, and please drop a comment after the read.
If this is your first time of visiting Tyfaith's Blog, I'd like to say a big  'Welcome On Board'. Thanks for stopping by. You're just in time for the main drama in the current series: HOOK, LINE AND SINKER.
Enjoy the read!
Thank you.


"Damn it" He hit the table with his fist, pushed away the pile of documents before him and stood up from the revolving chair. All week long, he had tried to discard the thought of his recent discovery having any truth to it. All week long, he had battled with the thought and failed woefully at maintaining his usual demeanor.

He picked his wallet, phone, car keys and sunglasses; looked around for anything else he might be forgetting before walking out of the study. He walked into the sitting room and met his wife lying on the sofa with her eyes glued to a TV show.

"Going out..." He said coldly as he walked past her.

"Without bathing... Must be really urgent" Tonia replied without shifting her gaze from the TV screen.

"Actually..." He tried to ignore the sarcasm in her response as he took two steps towards to explain his movement.

"You know what? Never mind." He flung his left hand in the air as he decided otherwise, turned his back on her and walked out the door.

There was no point trying to convince her further that what she saw was a huge mix-up. He had been trying to explain himself all week since she found the text message on his phone, and had let all hell loose into their home. He blamed himself for everything. He had gotten so engrossed in his thoughts and attempts to reach Bisola after reading the SMS that he forgot about joining Tonia for dinner. This was after she had beckoned on him twice and he promised to join her in seconds. Dinner time was sacred in his home and missing dinner was the first of many problems to come.

Seconds must have turned into minutes, and minutes into hours, because Marcus only realized he had dozed off while dialing Bisola's number after his wife woke him up with his phone in her hands, and the text message staring him in the face. There was no time to talk about her trust issues and her reasons for going through his phone in the first place, as Tonia had begun fuming and cursing and throwing things at him for living up to the expectation of all unfaithful men out there. All attempts to calm her down and explain things to her was futile, and there was no better way to prove that missing out on dinner was indeed the first of many troubles to come.
The rest of the week had been quite hectic, both at work and at home, as he tried so hard to get Tonia to hear his own side of the story. She grew colder towards him by each passing day, and Marcus knew she had reached a verdict on the entire situation.

As much as he wanted to call Bisola to explain the content of the message she sent and the motivation behind her numerous attempts to track him down, he restrained himself for the sake of peace in his home. He knew Tonia would have made it a point of duty to search his phone every other night after they retired to bed; and he couldn't trust himself to clear all call or SMS evidences should he attempt to reach Bisola again. Besides, he was unsure of what effect a confirmation of a three or four year old son would have on his marriage. He also expected Bisola to contact him later that week. As a matter of fact, he was certain she would contact him.

It had been four days since the discovery and the fact that Bisola had not contacted him yet to request an appointment was driving him nuts. He knew there was only one way to unravel the mystery, and it was only if he called Bisola. However, making that call anywhere around the house was not an option, especially since Tonia was doing a good job at making the house less conducive for him.

Marcus got into his car and drove out of the compound. He began dialing Bisola's number as soon as he exited the Estate gate into the main road.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up..." He muttered beneath his breath.


The ride to the airport seemed longer than usual. Bisola tried to shut her eyes and mind to everything happening around her, including Peju who seemed excited to meet Sharon, the only long term friend her cousin seemed to have. She was particularly excited that Bisola would have no reason to embark on her emergency trip to Port Harcourt.

Despite being lost in thoughts, Bisola heard her phone ring from a side of her bag but she ignored it the first time. She was beginning to enjoy the euphoria of thinking about the reunion with her dear friend, and more importantly her son. In no time, she was smiling to herself as she rehearsed her 'reunion reactions' inwardly. He phone began to ring a second time and this time, she checked to see who it was.
She let out a long hiss followed by a deep sigh at the sight of "KainaM" on the screen. She bit her lip as she wondered why Marcus seemed to pop up in the middle of her numerous attempts at a normal life devoid of him. She threw the phone back into her bag and looked away.

"We're here" The announcement could not have come at a better time.

"Thank God" Bisola said as she jumped out of the car. She handed her bag over to Peju for her to pay the fare before joining her at the arrivals gate.

"Okay..." Peju rolled her eyes as she collected the bag from her cousin.

She had tried to start a conversation all through the ride in a bid to draw Bisola out of the world she seemed to have drifted into to no avail As she was about paying the Uber driver, she realized his services would still be needed to take them back home. She pleaded with the driver to wait for them as she hurried to catch up with Bisola.
When Bisola's phone began to ring again, Peju was curious to know who her cousin was consistently ignoring. She knew Bisola would be mad at her but she also figured it must be urgent for the caller to have kept on calling.

"Yes?" She slowed her pace down as she picked KainaM's call.

"Bisola... Thank God. Finally."

Peju remained quiet as she listened to the caller's heavy breathing.

"We need to talk, okay? Please don't hang up."

Peju cleared her throat as she rehearsed Bisola's voice but said nothing still."

"Are you free now? 'Cause I need to see you immediately. I've not been able to..."

She let out a small cough that betrayed her acting. She could no longer continue with the act, and more importantly, she did not want her cousin to become suspicious by any further delay on her part.

"Errmm. This is Peju, Bisola's cousin. Get this. Bisola is not going to speak to you..." Peju said all at once as she hurried her footsteps this time.

"But I can arrange something." She continued without giving space for a response from him.
"I'll flash you with my number and we can take it from there. Okay? Bye." 

Peju hung up immediately and began to wonder at the words she just blurted without thinking. She laughed a little at what she considered good acting before reminiscing on the response she gave to the caller.
She knew there was more to the way Bisola reacted when she dialed KainaM's number the other day, but she was only beginning to see that whatever relationship existed between Bisola and this KainaM was more complicated than she initially thought. She memorized the number before deleting the last call from the call log.

She got to the domestic arrivals gate just in time to see the two friends locked in a full hug. Bisola released herself from Sharon's embrace, checked her out from head to toe before hugging her again. Peju moved closer, introduced herself and took the compact hand luggage Sharon was holding from her. She led the way back to the Uber, giving enough allowance for the friends to catch up.

The ride home was short but rather awkward than what Peju had imagined. The two friends suddenly seemed to run out of things to discuss and laugh about after some minutes into the ride. The atmosphere became tense and it seemed Bisola was back into whatever world she had drifted into earlier in the day, except that she was not smiling this time. She was scared. Sharon was here all by herself and had made no mention of her son, MarK.

Once they were home, the two friends seated at the back hurried out of the car and rushed into the house, like a rehearsed movement. Bisola led the way into her room, locked the door behind her and started:

"Where is he?" She demanded. She had informed Sharon of her plans to come pick her son up two days ago and the responses she got from Sharon did seem to make any sense.

Sharon moved away from the door and walked towards Bisola.

"Where is he?" Bisola yelled this time.

"Bisola... you have to calm down..." Sharon began softly.

"There is no He..." She paused.

"There is no Mark" She continued.

Bisola held her head with her hands. She could hear Sharon loud and clear but making sense out of the words falling from Sharon's lips seemed impossible.
Bisola moved her hands from her head to cover her face. She maintained that position for a few seconds before bending herself down and then lifting herself up almost immediately. She began pacing the room. She was confused; and was beginning to lose it. She rushed towards Sharon all at once and held her by the collar of her shirt.

"Where is my son? My Marcus, My Kaina... My MarKKK" She yelled as tears began to flow rapidly down her cheeks.

Sharon held Bisola close and allowed her to cry for as long as it took.

Peju rushed in at the sound of loud noise from inside the house. She flung the bags in her hand on the couch and rushed towards Bisola's room. The door was locked and her numerous knocks were completely ignored.

HOOK, LINE AND SINKER By Faith Olatunbosun


  1. No he ke! Wahala de o!!! Things are getting complicated- now kaina knows of a son, peju's curiosity can lead to Bisola's entire family being aware of a son whereas Sharon is now claiming there is no son. Watching this movie in 3D. Good job Faith


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