Tired Does It

Hello people. I know I have been missing in action for so long. I have had a million and one things going, hence, my absence. I hope we've been doing great? I have missed being here but I know I'll be back soon (can't promise when) and powerfully too. However, something happened to me today and I just had to share here because I have this intense feeling that someone out there needs to read this. Enjoy! And have a fabulous 'turn-up' filled weekend. Cheers! *** Sometimes, 'tired does it'. I'll explain. Sometimes, you need to get tired of your situation ( now you understand the kind of tired I'm talking about ). I was facing a particular situation, a very hectic one that had lasted for a while. I had done everything I could; followed all instructions given by experts; researched and read things from google searches and followed every tip wholeheartedly. Yet, nothing seemed to be working. The expected results were not forthcoming. It w...