Tired Does It

Hello people. I know I have been missing in action for so long. I have had a million and one things going, hence, my absence.
I hope we've been doing great? I have missed being here but I know I'll be back soon (can't promise when) and powerfully too.

However, something happened to me today and I just had to share here because I have this intense feeling that someone out there needs to read this.

And have a fabulous 'turn-up' filled weekend.


Sometimes, 'tired does it'.
I'll explain.

Sometimes, you need to get tired of your situation (now you understand the kind of tired I'm talking about).
I was facing a particular situation, a very hectic one that had lasted for a while. I had done everything I could; followed all instructions given by experts; researched and read things from google searches and followed every tip wholeheartedly. Yet, nothing seemed to be working. The expected results were not forthcoming. It was that type of situation where praying was so much work; I couldn't even pray as I'd have loved to. All I could do was hum (I couldn't even sing) and call the name of Jesus with every strength in me (albeit softly). I had read stories of people who had gone through similar situations and boy was I discouraged. Some even said their ordeal was worse, and those people usually ended their narrations with the usual 'don't give up' sermon.

Well, today, this morning, I gave up!
I gave up on the rules, the views from the experts, the numerous articles from google, the knowledge I thought I had to deal with the situation. I gave it all up. I was so TIRED. I was fed up!

The so-called situation had made me lodge in a friend's place. So, this morning, I stood up and went back to my house, locked the door behind me and began to pray. I had no strength, but I was also tired of not having strength. I decided to reach out to my inner strength (yes, that inner strength thingy is real).
I began to take authority over the situation. I no longer cared that people (experts inclusive) had told me  what I was going through was normal. No, this was not normal. I had had enough.
I continued to declare an end to the situation and a restoration of normalcy. I continued till i was relieved. You know that kind of relief that comes literally, the type of answer to prayers that we desire; that instant manifestation type of answered prayers - yes, that one. I experienced it today.

After the entire ordeal and normalcy was restored, it occurred to me that this kind of 'getting tired' is what most of us need. It's the kind of tired that Jabez experienced when he asked God to change his story and enlarge his territory.
The kind of tired that makes you reach out to that strength you didn't think you had left on your inside to draw out virtue. The kind of tired that spurs you into action in a seemingly hopeless situation. That kind of tired that makes you step out of mediocrity regardless of what the economy is saying or what your background is that is making you feel like you can't reach your goals. That kind of tired that makes you want to break out of barriers placed by life, circumstances, situations (whatever the type) and even the devil, has placed you in. The kind of tired that eventually brings out the best in you having sparked up something on your inside to rejuvenate your dreams, aspirations, goals, etc. The kind of tired that worked a miracle for me today.

That's the kind of tired I wish everyone reading this today.

Let's get Tired and Take Action!

We've got the power.
Yes, God has given you and I that kind of power.

My Testimony.


Faith Olatunbosun

***Photo credit (before redesigning): m.neamb.com


  1. Well written article. I happen to drive myself into that point of review and evaluation each year. A lot of times, I get tired for one year and still find myself perhaps in a similar spot the next year. I just wonder if indeed I was ever really "tired". *sigh


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