CoronaHappy - No pressure

Pre-covid19 era - so much joy!
Hey peopleeeeee,
How are you doing?

Can you tell I'm excited? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Here's why: I'm gradually getting my blogging groove back - posted twice on the blog last month and look who is here again. This is minus my Instagram posts (I hope you're following me on Instagram, if not, hurry to @tyfaithsblog to follow, so we don't fight ๐Ÿ˜‹). I'm so excited about this.
*inserts Nigerian Thanksgiving song, e.g. Ijรณ opรฉ mi dร *

Okay, let's get serious.

I woke up this morning with the need to share this.

In the last two days, it seems some people rose up to oppose motivational speakers and business coaches who have been saying we should make the most of this period (the quarantine situation in most parts of the world because of Covid19), and there have been so many tweets around doing nothing, don't let the pressure get to you, sleep if you want to and so on. If you don't know what I'm talking about (the motivational talks and the opposition posts), then you're probably not on social media. Congratulations to you. No pressure at all.

But here's my stand on the numerous suggestions flying everywhere at this time. And this stand did not arise because of the current situation we've found ourselves. It has always been my stand.
Dear all, NO ONE IS PUTTING YOU UNDER PRESSURE TO DO ANYTHING! NO ONE! You're the one putting pressure on yourself.

Yes, I said it.
Motivational speakers, business coaches, life coaches, pastors, parents will always give advice. That's their job, and they won't stop! So get used to it.
As long as you're an adult, the rest is up to you!

I stand with those saying we should maximize this period to develop ourselves.
I'm also in support of those saying we should sleep, clear our backlog of unseen movies, create fun videos (I just can't find the energy to get on Tiktok to create all these trendy videos, I'm too lazy for that ๐Ÿ˜‚), and eat to stupor.

I just have a problem with all these tweets and posts popping up and sounding like the motivational speakers are doing too much. Nah, they're not!

I honestly feel like those developing themselves will soon begin to keep quiet about it because they don't want to be seen as being too serious.
Please be serious, take your personal development "personal" if now is the time you can. Don't let anyone make you feel like a fun-sponge.
And if you need the rest, please just rest.

I have this workaholic friend that has been sleeping everyday since the lockdown started in Lagos. We chat almost every midnight (2/3am type of chat ๐Ÿ˜‚) and I legit tell her to sleep, everytime we talk, because I know how hard she works on a normal day.
Most nights when we chat, I'm up studying because I can't do that during the day. And I'm not shy about it. I'm studying, I'm learning something new to develop myself and my business. It's a choice, guys.

We all have choices. Choose what applies to you from everything you see online. Stop letting things that people are saying or doing as their coping mechanism, get to you.

The goal should be to stay sane this period.
Whatever makes you sane and genuinely happy is what you should hold on to.

Like I always say,
Find your happy,
Then guard it jealously. If there's one thing you should be selfish about, it's finding and keeping your "happy".
Don't put pressure on yourself. No one is putting pressure on you. You're in charge of your mind, and if you don't let something in, it can't get in.

That's it for today.
If you agree with me, let me know in the comment section and if you don't, still let me know.๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Truth is I like reading your comments.
So don't leave without dropping a comment. And if you find it difficult to do so on the blog, you can leave your comment under the Instagram and Facebook post of this blog post. 

Thanks for reading.
See you next time.๐Ÿ˜‰


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