
It was around 12:10 am when I was baptised with urine unintentionally by my sweet daughter. I say "unintentionally" because she's completely potty-trained and does not bed wet at all. Once you put her to sleep at any time of the day, she won't pee until she wakes up, but because of my trust issues (please don't come for me), I still wear a diaper for her to bed. 99% of the time, she wakes up with a clean diaper and only pees before her morning bath. However, on this lovely Thursday (9th December), things went a different route. She got back from school and decided she would only take fluids. She kept switching from one drink to the other, and I indulged her because it seemed the lunch Hubs packed for her to school was quite large, and in their school, you don't waste food. 
Anyway, my daughter played, jumped, drank different things in between and slept quite late (around 11:00pm or so). I had some work to do, so she lay beside me and I decided to deal with my trust issues by not wearing a diaper for her. However, something kept telling me to wear a diaper for her and I kept scolding myself to just trust this baby of mine for once. Alas, it was the wrong time I chose to have faith. 🙆

By 12:00 am, I sensed that she had peed or was about to pee, but I had a deadline on the report I was working on and decided to stay focused. I checked her bum and it seemed dry but not long after, I started perceiving urine. I worked for another 10 minutes before doing a proper check and by this time, my bed was soaked. I didn't even stress, I just turned the scolding to myself because I actually should have listened to Holy Spirit jeje to wear a diaper.

I decided to go get a diaper in her room and a change of cloth. As I raised her up to pull the shorts she had on, that's how this baptism started.😭 Guys, it wasn't funny. Imagine me carrying a sleepy baby up and next thing there's a splash all over my face, laptop, bed, the floor till we got to the bathroom. Now that I'm typing it, I'm laughing but it really wasn't funny at the time.😂

I think I deserved the baptism for ignoring the nudge to wear a diaper for her that night; and the annoying part is she still hasn't soiled any diaper she's worn since that day. 😂 I just hope there's some type of blessing that comes with being baptised with a baby's pee, because that's the only way I'll feel better. Please let me know in the comments if you know of any, especially if it has to do with surplus cash flowing into my account for December flex. 😅


It's 8:53pm on this quiet Sunday evening. I have my earpiece plugged into my laptop and I'm listening to royalty-free soundtracks I downloaded from this website I just found for a podcast edit, and I'm finally typing the first episode to something I want to tag Blog-Not-MasI hope you enjoy it.


"Blog-not-Mas" is something I've coined from the popular "Blogmas" concept, which I think was derived from "Vlogmas", which is something that YouTubers and other content creators do once it's December. They get to share one video per day from the 1st of December till the 25th of December. Most times, these videos are usually in Vlog form, where they don't necessarily share any tips per se, instead they just vlog about days in their life. Think of it as visual diary type of thing. However, some content creators have modified it to get their audience involved. Some play a game; share their playlists; movies they're watching (mostly Christmas-themed); recipes and so on; and they get their audience involved by asking they drop recommendations on what they (the content creator(s)) should also do, watch, listen to, cook and so on.

The thought of doing a Vlogmas may actually sound very hectic (and it is, because have you tried shooting and editing a video once? Try it and come and share your experience with me. It's a lot of work 😰), it's actually a strategy that many creators use to grow their YouTube channels or social media platforms (people now do this on Instagram and Tiktok as well). If you do yours excellently, you'll actually get people hooked to your channel because they start anticipating a video everyday.

I thought of doing Vlogmas last year and I actually recorded videos up to the tune of 5GB (if not larger than that), and I never uploaded any for so many reasons I can't begin to explain now. This year however, I got burnt out while trying to juggle so many things (school, business, social media page management for four pages, design, mummy-ing and content creation (videos & posts alike on so many platforms) that I put a total stop to vlogging on my YouTube Channel around August, and returned to the core focus of my channel which is personal styling tips for men. It was then I decided to return to my first love, which is full blogging, instead of the short form I've been doing via captions on my blog Instagram page.

This year, I decided to do a blog version of Vlogmas, which most active bloggers also do and tag as Blogmas, only that mine is obviously not going to be every day (as you can see, I'm only just posting the welcome/first episode on the 12th of December). Here's how I plan to go about it:

- I'll share interesting events from a number of days, with pictures (maybe short clips too) and descriptions, and it would basically be me carrying you along as I flex this December (so help me God). That way, my stories won't end on the 25th, and might probably not end in December if you guys like them so much. 

- I can't promise I'll share tips, tricks, hacks and what not that people share during their Vlog/BlogMas because the goal of this Blog-not-Mas is to create an escape space where you can just chill, forget the hustle and bustle for a minute and as much as possible. And hopefully, it would help me transition smoothly into starting a new fiction short story series in 2022.

- I'll also make sure I keep every episode of this Blog-not-Mas as short as possible so you don't get bored reading lengthy stories from me. I know I struggle with keeping my write-ups short,🙈 but this post is only long because I want to explain properly. 


With that out of the way, let me know if you'll read my Blog-not-Mas series (please lie to me even if you plan not to read 😂. All I want to hear this December is positive feedback and tons of "yeses", So I might as well demand to be lied to. But please read and drop a comment. I promise, you'll love it😉)

That's it for today.

Before I go, let me wish you a truly happy and fulfilling December, regardless of the omicron variant and all the drama that countries of the world are acting with travel bans and what not. Please have fun as much as you can. Find every reason to be and stay happy. Intentional happiness is so important at this time.

If you'd love to watch my previous vlogs, check them out here.

Follow me on Instagram to see cute pictures of me 😅; read awesome writeups (in captions, mostly inspired by the Holy Spirit); hear me sing (some original songs and covers of my favourite gospel songs); and watch me goof around and try to dance even when I can't. 😂

Till the next Blog-not-Mas, stay joyful.😉


  1. Replies
    1. Awww. Thank you so much for reading, and for dropping a comment as well. I'm doing a happy dance here. See you on the next episode.


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