Hello people. It's the festive season again. The weather is changing; and it's often the first pointer to the Christmas period. I believe you're doing all you can to stay warm. Please do stay warm; and read through the series I'd be sharing with you in the last few days of this amazing year.

I have this really cool friend that shares amazing devotional write-ups with me, and most times I can't keep the things I gain from them to myself. So I've decided to start my christmas giving by sharing them with you.
Have a fab time reading through.

Merry Christmas y'all.


'...Stir up the gift of you...' 2 Timothy 1:6

God gave you your talent, but it's your job to develop it. And it's not that complicated, because your gift usually relates to something that excites you. Think about it: God made you; He hardwired the desires of your heart. Knowing that helps you to understand why the things you find rewarding involve your innate talents and abilities.

One author says: 'It's natural for a hunting dog to hunt. Coop him up and he'll lie around with no enthusiasm. But when he realises he's going hunting, he comes alive. That's because God designed hunting dogs that way. They have that passion inside them...They don't have to get themselves worked up...or say, "Let me go listen to a sermon or motivational message so I can work up some zest and zeal." No, when those dogs know they're going hunting they're naturally excited...And when we're doing what we know we're called to do, enthusiasm and excitement exude from us naturally. We may not jump up and down...but deep within, we know, "This is what I was called to do. This is why I was born."

On the other hand, if you're doing something that's not natural, it's a struggle. If you try, train, practice and push and you still can't master a skill; recognise that it may not be in your nature. Of course we must persevere...push through and learn hard things... but in general, life shouldn't be a constant struggle.' When you're fulfilling your purpose, one of the most noticeable results is how rewarding it feels to 'stir up the gift of you' by utilising your natural abilities.


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