The Perfect Monday Syndrome... How true?

Hello people. I came up with this write-up this morning. Read and Enjoy, and drop your comments once you're done. Thanks.
How true is the myth that once you start off your monday on a "funny/wrong" note, the rest of the days of the week are likely to turn out the same way?

It's a beautiful but extremely cold Wednesday here in South-Western Nigeria. I woke up quite late, hurried to prepare breakfast for everyone, do some kitchen cleaning; before going to the bathroom. I decided to do a brief laundry too. By the time I was done getting all set for work, I was already so late.
I have this sweet neighbour that drops me off at work. She was already late too, but I delayed her the more, as I had forgotten to pick so many things that I'd be needing for the day at work. I had to go back a couple of times to pick my wig and gown, get my packed food (thanks to my sister), pick up my wallet... And yes, I had delayed my neighbour by some extra 10minutes.

When I got to work, I just felt all clumsy; and though it's wednesday, I didn't like the feeling at all.
Then it got me thinking. My monday was also quite clumsy; was a bit late to work. I blamed it on the weather, 'cause we all woke up to this really cold harmattan breeze, and it took a lot of encouragement to get me to take my bath.
 Yesterday (Tuesday) was no better. Infact, I did some serious laundry before going to work; and I had to rush to work, and then to court.

For quite sometime, I have believed the whole myth of starting off one's week properly and the rest of the days of the week will just follow soothe. And I guess it's the only reason for my 'clumsiness' this week (I'm not normally a clumsy person), although, I usually pray about my week going on smoothly, and I do my best to put mechanisms in place to make it so. But I want to hear your views on this issue.

What do you think? Do you think it's important to start off your Monday well so that the remaining days of the week will be perfect, or do you think it really doesn't matter?

Please drop your comments. I'd be delighted to hear from you.

*Don't forget to stay warm this season. Wishing you a very merry yuletide season.


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