The Butterflies (Episode 4)

Hello people. I have to start this post by apologizing for the extremely long silence. I never planned to keep the episodes coming this late, but I’ve been super duper engaged with so many things and even a bit indisposed. This episode was written by my friend, Seyi Olatunbosun, and I must sincerely thank him for helping me break the silence. I only did a little editing here and there. The next episodes will come in faster, I can assure you. Thank you all for your ceaseless support.

Sit back and enjoy the post.

Faith Tunde-Yara

*the butterflies



Happy birthday to you Ibi-babe, happy birthday to you!!!

The other three girls from the fantastic four in Room V2, Mozambique Hall (Tofunmi, Aishat, Tabitha and Ibinabo) had woken the birthday girl up with the happy birthday song by midnight. It didn’t matter that their voices sounded rather awful.

Birthday girl, wake up! Happy birthday…aunty ibinabo, omo igbo, happy by-day o! Other roommates greeted.

Several gifts kept coming in for Ibinabo all day. By afternoon, her classmates and other girls in her block had stormed the room to wish her well. Yes! Ibinabo was a very popular girl in Moz and of course, her department, seeing the number of people that came visiting with gifts. One could not be too surprised seeing she was always in every other person’s matter and could talk all day. But all that didn’t matter, she was clocking 18 that day and wanted to have fun.

The fantastic four- Tofunmi, Aishat, Ibinabo and Tabitha were all gathered at Ibinabo’s corner of the room to present their own gifts, take pictures with her, tease her and crack jokes. Even though they were roommates, they never had the time to sit together in such relaxed mood just to gist since their matriculation ceremony. According to Tabitha, she said, ‘see ehn, the struggle on this campus is not “butty o”, it is kpaki! They all busted into laughter all recounting their good, bad and ugly experiences so far.

Tofunmi’s phone rang, she excused herself as she went to receive her call outside the room. It was Bode, Ibinabo’s boyfriend calling. He was standing at the car park with a surprise package for Ibinabo and he didn’t want her to suspect anything yet. Tofunmi came back minutes after with a huge cake and a gift bag. As she walked into the room, she began humming…  “I go love oooo. Babe, this is for you”

Ibinabo was all smiles as she already knew where the package came from. Bode was so good at this, he seemed to be the only guy who understood her language of love which was surprise me, spoil me. The package came with a dress and accessories to match.

Bode had begged Tofunmi to find a way to lure Ibinabo to Eden, popular mini-events place at the new bukateria area in Obafemi Awolowo university as he had planned a surprise party for her.

As she glared at her gifts and the beautiful note that came with it, Tofunmi cut in

“Errmm, girls, I need your help with something. I have an appointment with someone at Eden tonight and I don’t wanna go alone. You know I have this phobia for new buka. So I just want y’all to follow me and stand afar when the person I want to see shows up”.

She knew she was bad at lying and her excuse wouldn’t have made sense but by some luck and after much begging, the girls agreed to follow Tofunmi also made sure Ibinabo put on the dress Bode had gotten her as a gift.

Ibinabo was short of words as she got there only to meet her friends waiting for her surprise party to start. She hugged, kissed and stayed glued to Bode almost all through. She was really stunned that he put up all of this without her suspecting for once. The rest of the evening of was fun-filled for all the girls. They were not going to forget it in a jiffy.




“Maami, please just help me take good care of him, once I’m done with my exams, I will come home to relieve you of this extra work”. Gentle tears rolled down Tofunmi’s cheeks. She had never wanted Ayomide to be a burden to her mom who was going to be 50 years old in a forthnight, but a phone call of her son being diagnosed with typhoid definitely seemed too much for her folks.

Ayomide meant the whole world to Tofunmi. Even at his birth, Mr Badmus almost fainted when he was told that his daughter could only deliver her baby through a caesarian section. His safe delivery though through a c-s, spurred the name Ayomide in her heart.

If I just didn’t allow Dapo that night, why didn’t he even use a condom? Is this a punishment from God? It was just once now, why didn’t I even loose the pregnancy? Tofunmi was already lost in thoughts at her usual reading spot in the Faculty of law.

Efikko! Ibinabo had exclaimed the third time before the worried Tofunmi came back to consciousness and responded in shock

Ibi babe, it’s you, what’s up?...

What’s the problem now Tofunmi? Ibinabo asked

Are you sure it’s this book you’re reading or it’s that fine boy in front of you you’re thinking of how to hook up with? Ibinabo teased, while confusing Tofunmi’s worries to being lost in thoughts over a guy seated in front of her.

Which boy? Tofunmi replied with a forced smile.

Ibinabo, there is something I’ve been meaning to discuss with you oh …with the kind of party bode threw for you, he will want to go any length with you o. Tofunmi went on

So?  I’m ready to give him my all now, he deserves me. Ibinabo replied.

Tofunmi had always felt Bode couldn’t just be this nice to Ibinabo without having a hidden agenda. He was always spending lavishly on her, buying her gifts and all without any special occasion. The party he threw for Ibinabo’s birthday was the talk of the hall for a while. Tofunmi just felt there had to be more to all his niceness. It couldn’t be love, she didn’t even believe love (or whatever that meant) existed.

Look Ibinabo, I know what he wants from you is nothing but your body. You are in 100level and still fresh, he is just playing a catch-them-young-hit-and-run programme with you. Once he hits, I bet it with you that he will do away with you. That’s the style of these guys on campus oh.

Please, please, please… hold it there! Ibinabo cut in.

How will someone spend so much on me just to hit and run? He truly loves me and I love him too. By the way what makes you better than me? Do you know better than me? I’m beginning to sense a bit of jealousy here. Is it because you’re yet to get a boyfriend of your own as a 200level student or what? Is it…

Tofunmi interrupted what seemed to almost become a continuous expression of anger in form of abuses…

I have a 3 year old son, dear. So, yes. I know what I’m talking about.

Tofunmi was no longer interested in reading, as she packed her books and left Ibinabo on the seat whose mouth suddenly refused to close as she followed Tofunmi’s movement with her gaze like one who just saw a rabbit swallow an elephant.




Tunji, how far nah… You dey your office?... Ok, I’m on my way

Dapo had decided to spend his lunch break at his childhood friend’s office – the Space and Science Institute right inside the Obafemi Awolowo University campus.

It was rare for Dapo to come visiting as he had only kept in touch with Tunji via phone calls since he got posted to the Ife branch of GTB. The guys therefore seized the opportunity to catch up on several pending gists.

As Tunji walked Dapo out towards the car park, they talked about Tade,

Omo  mehn, the babe don change am for me o… Dapo was explaining Tade’s recent coldness towards their relationship.

I love this girl, I really do. Though there’s something about her that reminds me of that girl I dated about 4 years ago, Dapo said

Really? Tunji asked. Na wa o. Anyway, sort out whatever issue you have with your babe and don’t bring up any ex’s story oh. Hold this one well oh, you know you don dey old...

They both laughed as Dapo bade his friend goodbye and drove off back to his office.




Eeeh, Ibinabo please let’s turn back.

Tofunmi had spotted Dapo again and this particular time, he was headed their way.

Hope there’s no problem; you forgot something? Ibinabo asked.

No. Can you see that guy wearing a blue shirt, tucked-in, talking with another guy in suit?…

Yes, yes, what’s wrong with them?

The one in suit is my son’s dad.

Shuu!!! Ibinabo exclaimed.

The girls hurriedly walked back towards the library where they were coming from as Dapo’s car drove towards them…


  1. Hmmm, past mistake keeps hunting!

    1. Isaac, thanks for following and dropping your comments. I really appreciate them.


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