The Butterflies... Episode 5

Tofunmi had walked into the hostel like someone that got beat up. She had just written her last exam for 200level and she was really exhausted. She had initially considered her lecturers as very mean people for placing all 200level exams in one week, but after her mum had called her about Ayomide’s health, she reconsidered her thoughts about her lecturers and was indeed grateful that she could finish on time and get home to attend to her son. Her post-exam plans had to be set aside as she had to go home. All she needed now was a chilled drink and sleep. As she dragged herself to her room, the ever lively Ibinabo met her on the corridor

Tof babe, congrats o. Some of us will still continue the jacking for 2weeks. By the way, the posters are out… Ibinabo went on, as she walked her friend back to the room.

Tofunmi had totally forgotten about the poster Ibinabo had offered to make to advertise the exam hair promo she was planning to have after she was done with her exams in the first week of the examination period. She knew many Moz girls would rather have their hair done in the hostel while they read on than go to some noisy salon outside to queue till it was their turn. She had hinted Ibinabo about the plan to make some money after her own exams and Ibinabo had been kind enough to offer to print posters for that purpose. She couldn’t be more grateful for the effort Ibinabo had been putting into helping her make some more money by advertising her business since she found out about her son. But right now, the poster and the hair promo was the least on Tofunmi’s mind.

… and you know the roommates come first in this promo oh, since we would be parting ways as roommates after this semester. I was even thinking we should throw a small party after we were all done with exams… what do you think? Ibinabo continued, paying less attention to the extremely tired Tofunmi.

… Babe, can we talk later? I really need to sleep now, okay? Tofunmi forcefully said as she walked into her own corner of the room, laid on her bed and slept off, leaving Ibinabo who kept staring at her as she slept with her bag still strapped to her hand. Ibinabo gently helped to get the bag off her arm and placed it on her rug, smiling as she left Tofunmi’s corner.


Tofunmi had woken up at about 10.25pm. She couldn’t believe she had slept for almost 5hours. She needed the sleep. She had barely slept all week. She checked Ibinabo’s corner to see if she was around but she wasn’t. She then took her phone to call her; she needed to tell her about the change in plans.
Ibinabo had sent a text message making fun of how she slept like a little child and ended with…
… I decided to copy you. I’m in your spot at law faculty. Miss me.
Tofunmi smiled, not just because of the funny text message but because she envied Ibinabo’s free-spirit; she worried about nothing – well, she had nothing to worry about. She was smart, rich, had a boyfriend who treated her like queen even though Tofunmi had to tell herself severally that Bode might actually be truly in love with Ibinabo and he was not just toying with her emotions. She just wished she could be as happy as Ibinabo was, even if it was for a day.
Her thoughts drifted to Dapo. She needed to see him. It was not for her sake, but for her parents’ sake and for Dapo’s sake. He needed to know about Ayomide; he needed to know that she kept the baby against his wish…


For they are jolly good people, for they are jolly good people… and so say all of us… Hurray!

Other members of the bank had cheered the GT Crea8 crew as they unanimously cut the big valedictory cake and took pictures. Coincidentally, it was Dapo’s birthday too.
Dapo Aborishade had performed his magic with the GT Crea8 crew by getting quite a number of customers for the branch like he did with the University of Ibadan freshers.
One could feel the celebration in air as you stepped into the banking hall that Thursday morning. The branch manager was super delighted with the GT Crea8 crew that was posted to his branch this time around. He ensured that gifts were packaged for them to show his appreciation.
The branch had also surprised Dapo who had been one of the most efficient of the GT Crea8 crew with a birthday cake and drinks to go round. Dapo beamed with smiles from every angle. He was definitely going to miss this branch.
He really loved it here. Apart from his primary assignment at the bank, OAU campus was just the perfect place to work. So many ladies to feast his eyes on – it always seemed as if the ladies intentionally had to have issues with their newly opened accounts. They just always came back and he enjoyed every bit of their coming back, putting them through nothing actually, smiling at them, repeating his favorite line of all time… “feel free to call me if there is any problem” while slipping his complimentary card underneath whatever form he had given them to fill again. He laughed as he remembered all his silly moments.
Apart from working his ass off all day in the bank, OAU campus had quite a number of places to cool off – the swimming pool at the sports center, the cinema at the conference center; but none of these places could be compared to Nypsie’s Bar and Lounge, a new bar he discovered at the new bukateria area where he had drinks with his colleagues…
He was going to miss all that. But he was also glad he was going back to Ibadan. He needed to sort out so many things out and get serious with his life. Most importantly, he needed to get Tade back…
He really wasn’t expecting anything from Tade, after all she refused to see him the last time he was in Ibadan. He really wondered what the matter was with his girlfriend. The malice was already getting to him; he couldn’t fathom why she would make a big issue out of the fact that he had truly been busy…

… Dee-1, another package don land oh. Baba, na you oh… Dotun beckoned on Dapo to come and attend to the lady waiting with a box of something he guessed was a cake in the banking hall.
Dapo, though surprised, was thankful that Dotun came at the time he did to stop him from getting moody over Tade’s thoughts.

… For real? Dapo said as he got up and followed Dotun to where the lady was.

Tofunmi had packed all night and waited till Ibinabo got back from class to hint her that she had to go home urgently. She gave Ibinabo a big hug while apologizing for her inability to follow through with the hair promo. She had a lot to sort out and time was running out. Her sister, Tade had hinted her about her boyfriend whose birthday was on the way and was in Ife for some reasons. She had begged Tofunmi not to let her parents know anything about her having a boyfriend yet, as she knew her parents still saw her as a child and will not take it easy on her. Tofunmi had warned her to be as careful as she could with the guy, she was really protective of her sister but she was really happy for her sister, as Tade gushed about him whenever they spoke. Tade had sent some money to her sister with specifics on what she wanted Tofunmi to get for her boyfriend. She had asked that “Ade mi” be written on the cake that will go with the package. She had sent all of these the week before Tofunmi started her exams.
Tofunmi had contracted the assignment to Ibinabo, who was the miss know it all when it came to surprises. Ibinabo had done an excellent job with the gift and had contracted the cake to someone she claimed was an expert.
Tofunmi reminded Ibinabo about the collection of the cake and begged Ibinabo to go deliver the package on her behalf as she had to travel home the following morning. Ibinabo had agreed on the condition that Tofunmi came back to school after taking care of the urgent need that arose, as she had to attend the party she was organizing for the room since they won’t all be resuming back to school as roommates.
They had gisted all night while Tofunmi went on packing…


… You’re Mr. Ade, right? Ibinabo asked with her signature smile
… Tade asked me to give this to you…

Dapo was surprised. He really thought Tade had intentionally forgotten. He opened the paper bag and there was a really fine stripped blue Next shirt in it. He smiled at the “Ade mi” inscribed on his cream and blue cake. It was really lovely.

… thank you so much, he said lifting his gaze up to meet Ibinabo’s smile.

… you have a beautiful smile you know? Thanks again… and what’s the name please? Dapo said in his professional tone, with the smile still glued to his lips.

Ibinabo just stared on as she tried to recollect where she had seen his face before...

… hellooo… hey.. Dapo went on, thinking to himself that another cute babe was already blown away with his good looks, but quickly brushing aside the thoughts as he remembered that the lady was Tade’s friend.

… oh, I’m so sorry… Ibinabo is the name, Ibinabo muttered, feeling embarrassed that the smile on her face had stuck for that long as she stared at her friend’s sister’s boyfriend…

I should go now. Happy birthday once again… Ibinabo said, gathering the remaining pieces of her self-esteem and walking as fast as her legs could take her, out of the banking hall.

*the butterflies
*Faith Tunde-Yara


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