The Butterflies... Episode 11

Hello wonderful people. Let me start this episode by wishing everyone a happy new month. It's December people; make some noise!!! Yippee.
Welcome to this beautiful month; I can feel its awesomeness already. Let me not waste anymore time than I already have.
I should state here that I'm really grateful to everyone that has followed the series so far. Thank you so much. Please feel free to drop your comments after every episode and share with friends.
Enjoy the read people! Ciao!


“Oh my goodness, he proposed? Wow…” Tofumi went on screaming over the phone, she was too excited for her best friend; she had even stopped listening to whatever it is she was saying.
“I’m so happy for you dear, really happy…

“Tofunmi, are you listening to what I’m saying at all?...” Ibinabo queried

Tofunmi was now calm enough to hear the worry in her friend’s voice.

“What’s the matter? Aren’t you excited?

“That’s not the issue… it’s a promise ring or something. I don’t know how long he’d be gone for and I don’t want to have to wait unnecessarily…”

Ibinabo voiced out her fears about this new development. Bode had been the sweetest guy on earth to her, she had told her parents about him in the second semester of her 200level, after Bode graduated. He had gone for his NYSC and the plan was for him to proceed to Germany for his masters. Ibinabo had told her mum about everything Bode had discussed with her and her mum had asked to see Bode. Ibinabo thought it was wrong move for her mum to call her boyfriend to ask about his plans for her daughter; at least not yet but there was no stopping her mum from calling this Yoruba boy as her mum always referred to Bode as ‘this Yoruba boy’. Whatever it was Bode and her mum discussed over the phone, Ibinabo wasn’t keen to know. Their relationship had gone through the usual hassles found in most other relationships but their love had waxed stronger, and that gave Ibinabo more satisfaction than any other thing. Bode had called up Ibinabo the week after he rounded off his NYSC program and arranged a visit to OAU Campus to process his transcript and other necessary things for his masters and to see his babe of course. He had gone visiting Ibinabo the very day he got to campus, and during their catching up, he took Ibinabo’s hands in his, and said the sweetest words Ibinabo had ever heard, praising her for being the very best of all women he had ever met and then he had slipped his hand into his pocket to bring out a small box. Ibinabo had sat there speechless as she couldn’t fathom whether it was a dream she was having. For one, she was glad Tofunmi was not around to do anything funny like taking pictures of them; she was even happier that he didn’t propose in the open, in the midst of many people.  Ibinabo couldn’t bring herself to give any response to Bode’s proposal; it was a funny kind of proposal to her… a promise ring symbolizing his commitment for their relationship and to assure her that he’d be back for her… those were his words paraphrased…

“So, what did you tell him?” Tofunmi asked as she listened to Ibinabo’s gist more attentively.

“I didn’t tell him anything but I didn’t reject the ring either… I just told him to give me time and he didn’t object to that; but he left the ring on my dressing table…” Ibinabo said with her voice low.

“Do you think I did something wrong? You know I really want to be with Bode but I don’t know how this promise ring thingy works, I haven’t even tried on the ring … I’m just confused … but you need to see this ring, it’s beautiful… ”

“Okay… I understand dear…” Tofunmi tried to calm her friend down… “I think you should just take your time and don’t beat yourself for acting that way. You obviously didn’t see this coming… pele dear. But I’m still excited for you, I really am” Tofunmi said, laughing this time around.

Tofunmi smiled on for the next two minutes after Ibinabo hung up. For one, she was impressed with Ibinabo’s relationship, especially since she least expected the kind of seriousness Bode had put into the relationship. She silently wished to find someone to love her this way… She was caught up in her thoughts and didn’t hear her phone ring. It was not until the third time, she heard her phone ring.

“I’m so sorry, didn’t even hear my phone ring… how has your day been, Mr. Benson? Thought you had forgotten us today…” she said with a wide smile.

Tofunmi hadn’t realized that she always looking forward to Temiye’s calls. It had been several months since they reignited their friendship, and it was almost becoming a routine for them to talk at least twice a week about anything and everything. Tofunmi found his conversations very funny and intelligent too; well, Temiye had always been an intelligent person from childhood, Tofunmi thought to herself.
Their conversation went on various routes as the custom had been for some months now; they talked about her project, his work, his colleagues at work, Ayomide, Ibinabo’s proposal – that was one topic they dwelt on for a while as Temiye took interest in all the details that came with the gist; then they moved on to talking about Temiye’s girlfriend… and several other things before Temiye ended the call.

“What is wrong with you, Tofunmi Badmus? You’re happy for him right?  Just stay happy; after all, he’s just your friend and nothing more. That’s all you wanted, right? Besides, you don’t want any guy-related drama right now, you have this final lap to finish and finish well…” Tofunmi went on soliloquizing.
She had to admit to herself after Temiye dropped the call that, although she was happy that he had gotten serious with a girl of his choice, she never really looked forward to listening to any gist that pertained to the girl. She had tried to brush the jealousy or whatever names the feeling that came with any gist that had to do with Temiye’s girlfriend caused.

As she went back to the sitting room, she smiled at herself… It wasn’t just because of Ibinabo’s funny proposal gist or the lovely conversation she just had with Temiye where she laughed and laughed as usual, it was because she had began to feel the vacuum; the wall was beginning to break, it was a feeling she couldn’t describe but for what it was worth, it was going to be the beginning of something beautiful for her…


It was a whole new world for Dapo Aborishade. All that he ever envisioned for his life was already falling in place – his dream job, his dream girl, his dream clique of friends, his dream life – up until the revelation of Ayomide’s existence. His dream life took a 360 degree turn immediately; he began losing touch with everything and everyone, he was no longer the bubbly guy at work, he didn’t see the need to hang out with his friends again, he had to set a reminder on his ipad and mobile phones to send money to his baby-mama. He tried to call Tade severally and then hung up just before the call went through; he knew there was no way he could go back.. Dapo had begun readjusting to his new life and his best buddy at work, Dotun, had been really supportive. He wished he could turn back the hands of time just to ensure he didn’t make the silly mistakes that had earned him this new life he now lived.

He seemed to have lost his appetite for the food he had ordered during his lunch break. He took one more sip from his malta guiness and then took out his phone from his breast pocket…

“Hi. How are you doing?”… It was the same cold response at the other end of the line.

“Good… fine…. Yeah…” Tofunmi went on with her one word answers.

“So, errrmm, how is our son?” Dapo went on with the conversation, not minding the tone with which Tofunmi was responding.

“Dapo, I’ve told you I would appreciate you asking after my son by calling his name. That being said, Ayomide is fine. Thank you. You are to pay him a visit this weekend, remember?” Tofunmi responded with something that sounded like disgust.
She was only doing all this for Ayomide’s sake; she didn’t want him growing up without knowing who his real father was, even though she intended to make him know when he was a bit older but as fate would have it, he was already getting to know who Dapo was.

“Oh… that’s true. I’d do my best to come visit him” Dapo heaved a big sigh as he had totally forgotten. The daddy duties was something he was yet to fully adjust to. He ended the call, left the lunch room and went back to his office, with his countenance down.


“Yes ooo, it’s NAFDAC sis…” Tade said with excitement in her voice.
She had been posted to Lagos for her NYSC and had just completed the 3weeks orientation program after which letters posting corpers to their different places of primary assignments had been distributed. Her letter showed that she had been posted to NAFDAC to serve as a corper. She was delighted that she wasn’t posted to a secondary school like many other corpers.

“Wow, that’s great news… but this NAFDAC parole, how come you got posted there? Did someone help you with the posting?” Tofunmi asked after receiving the news with great joy. She was happy for her sister. She was highly impressed with the way she had accepted the whole situation and had concentrated on finishing her final lap with good grades. They had not kept in touch as often, as Tofunmi was busy with her own project and her sister was busy with the activities on camp. Her sister had called her immediately after receiving her own posting letter to share the good news. But Tofunmi was curious about this posting…

“Sister mi, who else could have helped me if not God? I’m so excited; in fact their bus is coming to pick us from camp…. I’d talk to you later. Let me call mummy” Tade said as she hung up.
“Thank you so much for your help. I got posted to NAFDAC, I’m so excited” Tade screamed for joy as Temiye tried to tell her it was nothing but she really wasn’t paying any attention.

“You’re welcome dear…” Temiye said as he laughed on at the other end of the line.

*the butterflies
*faith Tunde-Yara
*photo credit: 


  1. I really don't know what's wrong with the settings on my blog but I've been receiving so many complaints from my fans of the blog about their inability to post their comments. I'm sorry guys, I have adjusted the settings and I still can't explain the reason for this defect. That being said, I've decided to post comments that people send to me via bbm &social media platforms. I'd just quote people as they drop their comments. Thanks again for following the series.


    "I hv been a silent reader but episode 11 has changed dat status. Dont even say in Episide 12 dat tade is temiye's new Girlfriend o cos that wld be wrong on different levels o. Which kain destiny this sisters get sef first it was dapo now temiye. Episode 12 please"... Busola


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