The Butterflies... Episode 12


“Hey babe…”

“Hey you… good morning…” Tofunmi stretched in her bed. She squinted twice and then opened her eyes to check the time on the wall clock. It was still so early, just 2.30am in the morning.

“You’ve not slept?...” Tofunmi asked as she yawned again.

Tofunmi had just gotten back home fully from school, having submitted her project. She had stayed back one more week to clear her stuffs, and keep Ibinabo’s company. She was so glad to be back at home. It had been a hectic final session. She was just going to sort out the processing of her scholarship for her Masters degree as she wanted to go for her NYSC program before starting her Masters Degree program. She was yet to decide what school she would choose; but it was definitely going to be a Nigerian school, preferable University of Ibadan as it was closer home and because she could be with Ayomide.

Temiye had been in touch almost all through her journey back home and they still spoke for a while before she began dozing off and then asked stylishly that he ended the call. She wasn’t sure why Temiye was calling at that time, especially since he had never called her in the middle of the night.

“Is anything the matter?” Tofunmi asked with concern in her voice; she was now fully awake and was seated on her bed…

“Nothing dear. I just couldn’t sleep… sorry I woke you, I know you’re still very tired…” Temiye responded
“You know what? Please go back to bed. We would talk in the morning…”

“You’re sure?” Tofunmi asked. She eventually went back to bed after Temiye insisted that he was fine and there was nothing to worry about.

“Ok then… talk to you later…” Tofunmi said as she tucked herself back under her cover clothe and drifted back to sleep in no time.


Temiye sighed after he dropped the call. He couldn’t continue this way; he needed to tell Tofunmi what was on his mind. He had pretended for too long. Temiye got up from his bed and went to the basin to wash his face. He came back to his bedside refrigerator, poured himself a glass of juice and took out a magazine to flip through. He needed to while away time before morning when he would get the chance to call Tofunmi and pour his heart out.

“But seriously sis, he’s not a bad person oh. I don’t understand what you two are doing sef; calling yourselves every minute… it’s okay oh, this friendship of yours is the best…” Tade teased her sister and laughed heartily.

“Na you sabi. He’s got a girlfriend, remember?” Tofunmi retorted

“Hmmnn. Girlfriend indeed. And he still devotes quality time for you… everyday? Be deceiving yourselves, you two… I just hope you thanked him on my behalf. I’m really enjoying my place of primary assignment…” Tade went on and on as her sister just kept laughing on the other end of the line.

“I’d call you later at night, okay? Ayomide needs his mummy now…” Tofunmi said still laughing as she ended the call. Her sister was really something else.

Tofunmi still had the smile on as she fed her son, while remembering Temiye’s call at night.  She wasn’t sure what Temiye wanted to discuss with her and she didn’t want to put pressure on him to call her, as he hadn’t called her back that morning like he promised.
She looked at the time, hurriedly packed Ayomide’s lunch box and school bag and they bade her parents goodbye as she took Ayomide to school.


Tofunmi had tried all week to remind Temiye to spill whatever it was he had woken her up for earlier that week but he wouldn’t bulge. She had decided not to press further. She was excited that he was going to be visiting her by weekend. The excitement must have been so obvious as her son had noticed.

“Mummy, are we having a party?” Ayomide must have noticed how excited his mum got about parties and events whenever they had one in their house or were preparing to attend one outside their home.

“No, sweetie. Uncle Temiye is coming to visit mummy. There’s no party, I’m just happy, my love” Tofunmi said as she hugged her son.
She laughed within her; this was becoming awkward for her, the way she got excited about anything discussion centered on Temiye and how she looked forward to their next conversation. She caught her mum smiling at her as she walked past her into the kitchen.

“Maami, what’s the smile about?” Tofunmi asked as she rolled her eyes.

“It’s nothing oh, Funmi. I was just smiling at Ayomide…” They both looked at each other and laughed.


Tofunmi had to give Temiye kudos. He had such great taste. He had taken her to Becca’s haven; a very cozy restaurant at Oshuntokun Avenue. The restaurant was more like a home, soft music playing in the background, the lights were magnificent, the food was superb and the waiters just smiled on as they took orders from other customers in the restaurant. Tofunmi looked around in awe; majorly because she was the Ibadan-based girl and she didn’t even know this place.
She adjusted her dress to sit properly on her laps one more time; she had carefully picked out this beige dress with a peach polka dots and beige flat shoe, and with the help of Ayomide who complimented her while dressing up, she knew she was good to go. She had to admit to herself that she took extra time to prepare for this date and she silently wondered why. She however made sure she was still her usual self - not jittery and all smiles throughout the meal.

Temiye had been talking to Tofunmi but she was so absent minded as she took another tour with her eyes round the restaurant; the place spoke class on every level.

“Tee…” Temiye called the third time… He was enjoying the way she smiled on, though unconscious of that fact herself.

“Yes… oh goodness, I’m sorry. I was just blown away by this beautiful place” Tofunmi said, covering her face in embarrassment as she couldn’t fathom for how long Temiye had been speaking to her with her attention obviously divided.

“It’s alright… so what do you have to say to all I’ve said?…” Temiye asked nicely with a smile.

“Errmm… Temiye, can you please come again?… I’m so sorry. I only picked a few things you said about Franca but really I wasn’t listening… I’m sorry….” Tofunmi replied remorsefully.

Temiye nicely went over his rehearsed speech. He had stayed up all night to act out how he was going to ask Tofunmi to start off a serious relationship with him and eventually get married to him. He knew it wouldn’t make sense to start beating about the bush any longer – he had done that for more than 2 years. He had tried to make it work with Franca, it was the best shot he had ever give any girl and it was partly because Kuye insisted that he moved on with his life. Things hadn’t turned out well with Franca and they had both decided to stop fooling around and move on with their lives. They had remained friends nonetheless and had kept in touch once in a while. Temiye had tried to tell Tofunmi about that part of his relationship anytime they spoke over the phone but he soon realized that Tofunmi was happy with the fact she knew he was in a relationship, especially because she was always asking after his girlfriend and saying stuffs like “you two should hurry up and settle down on time, some of us are eager to eat your jollof rice”, that made him laugh all the time and made him decide not to spill the beans just yet.

Tofunmi was mute for what seemed to be forever. She couldn’t understand the drift; she had acted under the presumption that Temiye was back as her childhood friend and not for anything more, and also that he had it all settled with Franca.
Even though their closeness had grown so fast in the last few months and Tofunmi had gotten used to hearing from him every day, and had truthfully being jealous of his girlfriend at a point but had never mentioned a word to anyone about it, she just couldn’t fathom this whole drama unfolding before her very eyes. She couldn’t deny that the feeling at that instance was mutual.

“Babe, say something please…” Temiye pleaded as he took her hands in his.

“Tee, I really don’t know what to say. I can’t say for sure that I saw this coming… Can you give me some time?” Tofunmi said in the calmest of tones with a million things running through her mind and butterflies in her tummy.

She knew she liked Temiye but she had pushed him aside because of all she had gone through in the past. She couldn’t afford to get hurt or see any of her family members get hurt because of her. She knew that Temiye had a good heart and had not for once judged her based on her past. She smiled inwardly but heaved a sigh outwardly.

This guy sitting across the table from her was doing more than making her laugh every day or keeping her company; he was breaking right through the solidly built wall around her heart…

*the butterflies
*faith Tunde-Yara
*photo credit:


  1. Jeez!!! So much dopeness in ds episode,pls dnt let ds series end here. So,my man Temiye is abt to score a dream,keep it coming sis.!

  2. Ehn Ehn thank God o that Tade aint dating Temiye o. Tofunmi u better do quick and agree o.

  3. Lol. Tade couldn't have dated Temiye now. They all grew up in the same church, remember? @Busola

    Sister Yetunde: thanks ma'am.

    Seyi: I know, right? Episode 13 will be doper... *winks*

    Thank you all for following. It's inspiring to know that people are following the series.


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