Good Riddance... (1)

Hi everyone. I know it's been forever since I dropped something, anything at all on my blog, and I'm extremely sorry. I've just had sooooo much to deal with in the past few months.
That being said, I'm going to start a new series but would like to request inputs from anyone that may be interested. You can signify your interest by sending me a mail to be my writing partner for this series. I've decided to do this alongside anyone that may be interested because I would like a third view to my stories; the first and second being me and my mind... Lol. So, if you're interested in writing this story with me, do send me a mail via Thank you.

I hope we all enjoy this next story of mine... *wink*


  • This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the Faith’s imagination and (actual places) are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
  • ... Faith Tunde-Yara


    Hi. I'm Tola Ajisafe. I'm a business administrator by qualification.
    I'm the first child of my parents... and the last too. You see, I was born with a silver... No, golden spoon in my mouth. I never lacked anything, not money, nor love, nor attention, nor anything you might consider the good things of life. All I had to do was ask, or probably just look worried a little bit and ta dah, my needs were met, and my wishes came true.
    That's how I lived my life till now. Mind you, I'm not proud, pompous or whatever it is you consider the only child of rich parents to be. My mum would not allow me to turn out as one of the regular spoilt brats that most of her friends' kids had turned out to be. I had to learn Yoruba properly and even get a good grade in it, like it was some prerequisite into my gaining admission into a private university.
    She insisted I studied in Nigeria, even when Dad felt I should travel out of the country for my tertiary education. I still think she insisted so that I could be close to her.

    It's funny though. You would expect my dad to be the one that would be hard on me, but in my own case, it was my mum. Anyway, I finished tops in my class at Covenant University. I'm sure you're probably smiling and thinking it must have been easy, but trust me, no school is easy. Schools were not designed to be easy.
    My other friends tease me on how easy it would have been for me to finish with a first class from a private University, but that's story for another day. Just believe me when I say I had to study hard. Chief (Mrs) Olatundun Ajisafe won't have me turn out lazy and below the family standard.

    Back to my story. I now work for... don't guess on my behalf, but it's not my father's company, even though that was where I started out. Since the business gene  ran in the family, I figured I would start my own business. Raising a capital was not a problem. After working with daddy for one year and a half, I started my own online fashion business. It seemed pretty easy, with the right connections, countless cousins, aunts, friends and most importantly, the ever growing desire to catch up with the latest fashion trend in this Lagos.Social media is just a life saver. It has helped my business in ways I can't even begin to describe.

    Anyway, the success of my business is story for another day. Right now, I just need to get past this stage of my life and land in that famous happy place every girl dreams of. Don't blame me. I've always had it easy; at least, most of the time. I'm not sure I was groomed properly to handle stress, especially when it had to do with men. Yes, men. I'm sure you saw that coming. What other major thing stresses girls of my age than non-existent marital status?
    Every girl has to go through this phase, so my friends keep telling me. But how many times you have to go through the same circle of meeting the wrong person, or meeting the right person that turns out to be the wrong person, is what they've never been able to tell me. And can you blame someone like me, a hopeless romantic of all time, with strong beliefs in these beautifully scripted movies that I now consider an addiction?

    Since, I've had my fair share of shattered dreams when it came to men, I've decided to go the Bolywood route. And trust me, it's been an amazing experience so far...

    "My gorgeous queen" Segun's smile widened as he saw me walk down the stairs.

    I forced a smile back. It was the weirdest thing ever. Chief and Chief (Mrs) Abiodun Ajisafe stood by Segun's side and watched me walk down the stairs, as if I was one of those teenage girls going to the prom. Their excitement was palpable. Who could blame them? Their daughter was now in a relationship after what seemed to be forever. And she was not just in a relationship, she had even brought the guy home. I'm sure they would have began little wedding plans in their spare time.

    Several times, mum would suggest we go shopping and then get us seats at a fancy eatery to talk about men. She reassured me that they (She and dad) wanted the best for me and I was not getting any younger. I had not introduced any guy to them since my messy break-up with Tokunbo, the son to daddy's business associate. As usual, right? Well, as much as I try to be normal, the normal things in my life included hooking up with the children of other business moguls like my parents

    "Okay, this is weird. I hope you're not holding a camera to take my picture..." I covered half of my face with my purse as I managed to walk down the rest of the stairs without falling.

    "You look gorgeous, my baby"
    Mummy hugged me tight. Dad just smiled on.

    I freed myself from her hug in the most respectful way  I could think of.
    "Thanks mum. We should get going. You know Vic would kill me if I arrive late..."

    "Have fun baby... and Segun..." Mum didn't continue her sentence, but whatever message she was trying to pass across, i'm very sure he got it loud and clear.

    "Bye dad, Bye mum"... I hurried out into the car before the next counseling session would begin on how Segun should be careful while driving and how we should get back in good time.

    Segun joined me in the car after about 2 minutes and we set off for Vicky's engagement party.

    "Madam, we're outside oh... Just come out already" I hung up.

    Every girl has that one friend that is never punctual to an event. I'm no different. I knew Jessica would not be ready, she never was. I excused myself from the car. It had been a silent trip all the way, and I couldn't be more pleased to go get Jessica while Segun waited in the car.

    Was I surprised or what? Jessica was doing her thing as I stepped into her one-room apartment.

    She weaved her hair backwards, letting a part of it fall to her shoulders. She applied some more gloss to her lips, squinted her eyes as she applied her mascara. Next, she sucked her mouth in and then applied a little more of her contouring powder. She did a little more pouting, matched her lips to even out the lip gloss, and winked at her image in the mirror.

    "Okay, it's enough... We don't want to confuse Deji, abeg. It's Vicky's engagement party, not yours" I walked straight to the mirror and stood in front of it.
    I began helping her pack up, else, we would remain in her room till the end of the party.

    "Haba, you make it sound like my make-up is too much" Jessica laughed.

    "Not at all oh. You're the professional now. How can your make-up go overboard? It's just that we should really get going" I continued with the packing.

    "Okay, Okay. I get it. Where's Mr. Lover-boy?" she asked as she took one last look at the mirror to be sure her highlighting and contouring were well blended.

    "Outside nah... you wanted him to come in?" I continued with what I was doing.
    "red or gold shoes?" I asked. I was determined to get Jessica out in the next 1 minute.

    "...Just asking. You still sound disinterested in this whole thing. I wonder why you have to continue with the relationship if you're not into the guy" Jessica picked her purse, put in her compact powder and her lipgloss. She began spraying her perfume all over.

    "Well, the love will grow. Just give it time" This time I paused. I could feel Jessica's eyes all over me.
    I looked up to meet her gaze and we burst into laughter.

    That was what my 'Bollywood route' meant - dating someone without serious affection for such person, but expecting the 'affection' or 'love' (if you like) to grow later as the relationship proceeds.

    "You're the weirdest girl I ever met..." Jessica laughed.

    "I'm serious jor. The love will grow. Time to go. We shouldn't keep Segun waiting..." I tried dragging my friend out.

    "not before we take pictures. Besides, Mr. Lover-boy will not complain. I just pity the guy sha"
    We both laughed again.

    "You make it sound like I'm doing something bad. Haba. I like Segun oh. You just don't know it... Seriously, we should get going..."

    Before Jessica would come up with several poses, I already brought out my phone and began taking her pictures as she stepped out. Hopefully, she would find one that she liked, especially since she was more of the motion picture type.

    "Proper pictures now..."

    "Oh lord. Jessica, there will be plenty of time to take pictures at the venue. Plus I have my power-bank just in case your phone's battery dies" I laughed as I successfully pushed her out this time, took the keys from the back of the door and helped her lock the door as she stepped into the car.

    I joined my friend and my boyfriend with whom I've decided to take the Indian route with in the car, and we were off to Vicky's engagement party for real, this time.

    *Good Riddance by Faith Tunde-Yara
    *Photo credit:


    1. Replies
      1. Thank you. Help spread the word as always. Sabbatical leave is over. Lol

    2. Halleluyah! So excited.... Waiting for the next episode already...

      1. Lol. Thanks dear. I'm excited to. By the way, "Partner-in-story-writing" is needed. 'Teinz a bunsh'. Lmao.

    3. Cool...waiting already...and i hope ds geta me back to my pens too🙈

      1. Lol. Thanks dear. Biko, pick up your pen o. We've been on sabbatical for too long. I'm looking for partner for the story too...

    4. Welcome back TyFaith! Been itching to read from you. Am enjoying this series already. When is the next episode due #tongueout

      1. Doyinnnn. Finally, your comments drops on my blog without issues. Thanks dear for being a loyal follower.
        The management will try to make sure the next episode is not delayed. Lol.

    5. Ok, so i finally managed to drag myself to your blog after aeons of procastinating and now I'm so episode time at all.

      1. Big Sis, great to have you here. The management will hurry up with the next episode. Lol.
        In the mean time, go and enjoy the 'Butterfly' and 'being human' series. I'm sure you'll love it. Thanks again for stopping by.

    6. Fingers crossed on the rest of the story. I should also thumb you up for a job done well.

      1. Thanks a lot for the thumbs up. Next episode in a bit. Keep your fingers crossed, but in the mean time, go and enjoy the 'Butterfly' and 'being human' series. I'm sure you'll love it.
        Thanks again for stopping by.

    7. I'm already enjoying this one too Faith (applauding u)


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