Good Riddance... (2)

You see, we all lie to ourselves at a particular time. Don't even try to argue with me on that. I'm very sure you've lied to yourself once, no matter how honest you think you are. But my case was peculiar. Since I spent what seemed to be the better part of my time thinking, fantasizing, coming up with ideas to take my business forward and the next better part of my time watching amazing movies about that perfect guy, I ended up lying enormously to myself on most occasions. I lied to myself about the weirdest things you could think of, the most obscene things, the most obvious situations when I should just face reality and get on with life. Can you blame me? I've been groomed to believe the best of every situation, to think positive, to hope for the best, to trust, to expect that light at the end of the tunnel, after all, there's always light at the end of every tunnel. I followed great principles I read in books, was taught by my mum, saw my dad exhibit, and heard in church.
This particular lie I was telling myself for the past four months or so, was one I hoped will come true even though I didn't know how that would happen.

I really enjoyed his company. My day was complete whenever I heard from him, even if it was for one minute. He was the most caring person ever; intelligent too. What they say about like minds attracting is so true. How can one guy be everything - funny, handsome, with excellent charisma, charming, dresses well, always punctual, great with gadgets, can drive anything that looks like a car, good with people, knows the exact words to say when you're in distress, vast, current with all the happenings in the world, and the most annoying of all, can cook, not just ordinary indomie and egg or white rice; I'm talking about all those food network kinda meals (Don't ask me how I found that out)? I mean, everything that Will Smith looks like in all his movies. Oh No, I didn't just say that. I'll come back to my fantasy about Will Smith some other time. But trust me, Demola was just that guy, only that we were just friends. It breaks my heart to even call him that. This was a major crush I had to get rid of on time, before I end up doing the silliest of things in the shortest possible time, which I could almost see coming.
Sometimes, I wish I hadn't met Segun when I did. Maybe, Demola would have noticed how much I liked him and asked me out and we would have been the cutest couple to watch, to the envy of my friends. Or maybe not. You know how annoying this whole circle is. The guy you like doesn't like you back the same way you like him, but thinks you make a good company and you're so nice and all, and keeps you as a friend; same with girls. Crap! Why can't life be much simpler? I like you, you should like me back. Haba!
Some other times, I pity Segun. Don't get me wrong. He's the nicest person I ever met since Tokunbo; very considerate, very thoughtful, very tolerant, has a listening ear, has most of the characteristics I look forward to in the man of my dreams. That should be obvious by now, otherwise I wouldn't have agreed to give us  a try. I guess i'm just tired of putting myself out there and expecting too much from men. Tokunbo really did his best to sap all the romantic strength, hopes and aspirations I had in me, but I don't want to talk about him.

'I thought you'll be the one to make Vic up for her engagement party' Segun continued as he turned into Thomson Street.

'You know how Vic is. The way she changes her mind never ceases to amaze me. I'm sure the weather is better than her in that aspect. I was meant to do her make-up for her first outfit but I waited for her call last night to confirm, and when she didn't, I knew other plans had taken over...' Jessica replied carefreely.


'Nah, it's fine. Not taking the job gave me enough time to look so glam. I already know what to expect at this engagement party and I cannot afford to spoil my rep. Na to go gather clients for the party oh, ghen-ghen clients sef' Jessica pouted as she took another selfie. She was really feeling her make-up.

'I see... make-up game on point, right?' Segun laughed as she watched Jessica continue with her several poses from the front mirror.

'You're in the spirit, my brother'. Jessica joined in the laughter.
'Thank God we're almost there. You'll help me with pictures oh since your babe has gone on strike' Jessica continued.

Segun smiled, turned to his girlfriend who seemed distracted by what he couldn't fathom, and then faced the road again.

'Everything alright?' He squeezed my hand; and then squeezed a little more to make me regain consciousness.

'What?... No, i'm fine'
I don't know for how long I was lost in thoughts but it must have been for a very long time, maybe all through the ride. I felt so embarrassed, sitting with the two best friends I had and thinking about some random stranger, or should I say friend, for almost 20 minutes.

'sorry guys... what were you saying?' I tried to flow with whatever was making Jessica laugh.

'haba, madam. What planet did you travel to?' Jessica cut in before Segun could answer.

'I'm sorry now. I didn't even realize' I smiled at my friend and tried to catch up on the conversation. This time, I made sure I was involved, in spirit, soul and body. I even helped Jessica with more pictures, joined her in the selfie spree, and included Segun in the pictures till we got to the Vic's house.

'Ladies, here we are...' Segun announced.

'IV please?' A security guard asked as we approached the gate.
I brought out the three invitation cards from my purse, handed one to Jessica and another to Segun, they were inspected and we were allowed into the Thomsons' Mansion.

'Oh my... This is amazing....' Jessica admired the compound that had been converted to something that looked like a wonderland.
'Money answereth all things indeed... wow' Jessica continued.

I just laughed at my friend as I brought out my phone to help her capture the moment as we walked to where the seats were.

'She's hilarious' Segun whispered in my ears.

'I know, right?' we both laughed and walked on.
He brought out his phone and took a picture of us.

'Seriously? I started.
Jessica has rubbed off on you' I couldn't help the laughter as I continued. The picture turned out nice. Yes, Segun was good at that too - taking flawless pictures.

'Jess... over here'

I recognized the voice immediately. My legs seemed to wobble in my newly acquired Zannoti shoes. I held Segun's hands, smiled and told him I'll join them at the table in a bit. I had to go show some support to my friend as she got dressed.
It wasn't so necessary, but I had to get away fast. I knew Vic would have everything in order, and my going to her room at this time to show support was rather too late. But what could I do?

I was excited that Demola could make it, and I was so eager to get to that table to catch up with our outstanding gist about some random girl I was trying to hook him up with at all cost.

Say it! I know you want to, and I know already. I'm not alright!

I walked into the main house, and it was filled with people as expected, known people, I must add. After greeting the uncles and aunts and all the people I could afford to greet at once, I rushed up the stairs, straight to Vic's room to show some support to my childhood friend.

*Good Riddance by Faith Tunde-Yara
*Photo Credit:


  1. hoping...a third episode comes real soon!

  2. Please, can I have a peep into the next episode? ;;) nice piece. More colour to your pen. Lol

    1. :)) at Bukky, gist is sweeting u abi? International blogger egbon mi. Keep it up Sis.

    2. :)) at Bukky, gist is sweeting u abi? International blogger egbon mi. Keep it up Sis.


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