Chasing Shadows (Episode 6)

As they drove into The Bells Guest House , Sade could not help herself. She was in awe. It was magnificent. She asked the driver a couple of times if he had the right address, and if this was a guest house indeed. It looked more like a presidential hotel. It was obviously new. The driver assured her that the address was correct. She called her mum immediately. “Mum, I’m at this hotel. I think I have been kidnapped” She whispered. “The driver… brought me to this…” The driver stopped the engine and looked back. Sade slowly and carefully dropped the phone from her ears and clung to the door. She was ready to take off any time she got the chance. She could not believe what was happening. She was frightened and began to shiver from within. “We’re here ma. I think I should call madam” He said politely, with a smile. “No, no, no. I’ll call her. Let me call her right away.” She knew he had heard her earlier conversation and was just pretending, acting all professional ...