Anybody home?... (NOT A SHORT STORY)

Helloooo people.
I'm trying not to shout here. Lol. I trust you've all been good. Big thanks to everyone that kept in touch in my absence, even though most of the keeping in touch was to ask when the next series would be out. I just wanted to enjoy the 'blogger's vac' I gave myself, and to be honest, I've had so much fun.

I know I've been away for more than I planned and more than most people would have wanted (3 months or thereabout), but trust me, it seems like yesterday. Okay, I'm just kidding. I've been having fun reading other short stories by amazing writers everywhere. I could hook you up with blog addresses if you want. (wink).
I've also hidden under the cloak of 'I-want-the next-story-to-be-completely-typed-and-edited-before-I-publish-so-that-my-readers-won't-get-angry-when-I-delay-in-posting-new-episodes'.

It's time to come out plain and let you on a little secret. This 'excuse' has helped my laziness and I'm done being lazy. The little secret is that most times, we (most writers of short stories) don't have the entire story written down somewhere, and the fun in posting these stories in episodes is that we also anticipate (along with our readers) what the next episode would bring. There! Now you know! We also go through the whole 'suspense/shivers/eye-popping/can't-wait-to-know-what-would-happen-next' moments while we type each episode. We sometimes get inspired to twist the story a little bit while typing a new episode. It all adds to the fun, and I would lose that if I type the entire story before publishing, as there would be nothing to look forward to on my part.

That being said, there's a new series coming soon, pretty soon. I'm battling with the title but I'll sort out all issues relating to the title this weekend.
Like they say in all these movies: (***insert title of new series) COMING SOON!!! WATCH OUT!!!... Lol.

Thanks again for stopping by.

Have a fabulous weekend.

P.S: It feels so wonderful to have my picture at the beginning of a post. Lol.

Cheers, people!



  1. Lati jo yi. Esa da wa loun. Now that u hv wet my appetite, my disturbance don times 2...Olorun a fun yin se o.


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