Never Late! Pick-me-up


Hello Blog Fam.
I trust you're doing great and have had a great week so far.

Today, I'll be sharing a revelation I caught very recently. I'm gradually bringing my pick-me-up segments from my YouTube Channel here, because I've not been able to keep up with uploading videos on the channel. But I still want to share things I have experienced to pick us up.
So here goes today's pick-me-up.

On one particular day two weeks ago, I miscalculated time allocation for errands to run on my to-do list. I left home around 2:45 pm to get some things at the market. My daughter closes from school by 3pm. So I told myself that I would drive super fast, get to the market, buy what I needed to buy from one section of the market instead of my usual wakabout, and then rush down to pick her. The plan seemed really great in my head. The only problem was her school is about 20 minutes drive from our house (the duration could be shorter but for the bad road), so by the time I drove past her school, it was already past 3pm. The market was another 15 or so minutes drive. But I kept telling myself, it's fine. I will hurry and be back in her school by 3:30pm. I didn't even consider picking her up and we then go to the market together because she usually sleeps once she enters the car and it would be too much work carrying a sleeping child round the market.

Anyway, by the time I was done with my James Bond driving to and fro the market, it was almost 4 pm. My daughter had cried her eyes out; she was the only one left in her class; I had never been that late to pick her up before. Her teacher told me she kept tagging along as other parents came to pick their children. I felt terrible, promised her right there that it would never happen again. She smiled and I took it as she had forgiven me.

As we drove home, I kept thinking about the incident, still feeling bad of course, but super satisfied that she had forgiven me. Then the Holy Spirit said to me, that's exactly how you are. I honestly didn't want to think too deep about what He said, because this was just a stupid mistake, which one is now my own in the matter that the Holy Spirit was trying to school me? 
We got home, I got into the kitchen and prepared a sumptuous meal, and my daughter particularly enjoyed her meal. Once again, the Holy Spirit said: 'see what I mean? That's how you are.'

When I sought clarity, here's what I got:
Most times we feel God is delaying in answering our heartfelt prayers; every other person seems to be getting answers before they even complete their prayers. Like my daughter, you're seeing other people's parents come to pick their child(ren); you're seeing how they're hugging and carrying them; and somehow because you know what it feels like for your parents to come pick you up by 3pm on the dot, it becomes weird that suddenly they have forgotten you. You feel stagnant; left alone; abandoned; like you're the embodiment of what people call a dry season; nothing is happening for you. You've probably stopped praying sef; you're beginning to accept your fate; you say things like 'if it's God's will, it will happen, and if not, life goes on', but deep in your heart, you're displeased with God. You're tired and then you just stop fighting for anything - you're no longer fighting for yourself, your goals, your dreams, your aspirations. You're indeed taking life as it comes, one day at a time. 

But guess what? God is NEVER late! Never!

I was late to pick up my daughter because I had to go buy things to make the sumptuous dinner we had in the evening. By the time this meal was ready, I'm so sure she didn't remember the delay in picking her up again. So when the Holy Spirit said 'That's how you are' to me twice, I got the message loud and clear.

Because we live in this world where goals, aspirations, vision boards, promotions, and so on are the order of the day, we're constantly in this rat race of setting and achieving these goals. Unfortunately, this leads to competition (healthy and unhealthy), comparison and the need to seek and get validation. If only we could focus on our own races without thinking of how far gone other people are on their own races.
As difficult as this is, I know for a fact that God's grace is sufficient and it is doable to actually focus on your focus.

You're not far behind; God has not abandoned you. He's making plans to get you to that banquet table filled with sumptuous meals, befitting for a king or queen that you are.

So whenever you feel all sorts (which you will because you're human), always remember that God is never late and you're exactly where you need to be. If it's any consolation, God is not hard of hearing (Isaiah 59:1) and is never tired of listening to us. 
So yes, like me, you can always go back to God a million and one times to ask "how far sir?' "hope you've not forgotten me o?" 😅 I do that all the time and sometimes, I imagine God laughing at my impatience, especially after the physical manifestation of whatever I've been praying to God for.

That's it guys.

I hope this lifts your spirit.
God is never late.

See you in the next post. ✌


  1. I love how you just explained a deep spiritual truth with such a relatable story. Thanks for sharing. God never forgets and he is NEVER late. This blessed me.

    1. Awww. Thank you so much for reading, Adeteju. I'm so glad you were blessed.

  2. Beautiful piece.💓

  3. Really inspiring. Thank you for sharing. It sure lifted my spirit. God bless and inspire you more.


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