Of Calabashes and Dead Dogs : Q1 Reflections
Happy new month my dear blog fam. It's 2:25am as I type and I've just submitted a particular presentation that is due in three hours from now. Even though I'm getting better with finishing tasks early and not waiting till last minute, I'm still beating myself for waiting till now to strike this off my to-do list, especially because I had ample time to submit way before now instead of depriving myself sleep at this time. 😀 But it's a good thing as I get to share my promised March gist and also carry you along in my First Quarter reflections. The first time I openly did this ( the reflections ) was last year on my YouTube Channel. Watch here But before I get into the reflections, I have plenty gist to share with you. I'll make it snappy, so let's go. Gist 1: One of the interesting things that happened in March was coming home to see pandemonium in front of my neighbour's house. She was wailing ( not crying o ); screaming and there was a small crowd in ...