I've been Drinking

Knock, knock. Is anybody home?

I never thought getting back to regular programming would be this awkward and somewhat difficult. It's been something else and it's not the first time I'm taking time off social media at the beginning of a year (at least, not in the past two years). I feel weird being on social media for 30 minutes straight 😅. It doesn't feel normal anymore and it's so weird for someone like me - a social media addict of some sort (I've said it before on this blog that I love social media) since my many talents and businesses find their expressions on different social media platforms.

Anyway, I'm taking it one day at time, ensuring that I'm not overthinking my being out here in the open and not beating myself up for laughing at a hilarious video.

With that of the way, let me wish you a Happy New Year. Trust me, we will still be greeting each other Happy New Year till the end of February, so accept my greeting in peace and drop your happy new year greetings in the comments so we can start the year with some conversation. (Is my plan to make you guys drop comments working? If yes, I'm smashing my first blog goal of the year! 😂)

I've been off social media for a little over a month and I just came back this past Monday. I took a much needed break at a very unplanned time, as I had just excitedly announced I would be doing a version of Blogmas (with my version being Blog-not-Mas) and I had only managed to post 3 episodes.

With a ton of pictures and mini videos piled up on my phone and my body revolting terribly, I had to suck up the guilt of disappointing my audience for the second year straight in a row, to attend to my health. The first year was me disappointing my YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram audience after announcing that I would be vlogging for the whole of December 2020. I did the recordings (like I did last year) but never published any of the videos for reasons I can't begin to go into right now.
So you can imagine how terrible I felt when I couldn't deliver on my promise of interesting blog posts for my first attempt at Blogmas.

I fell terribly ill in December but I kept telling myself I have to finish the year strong (motivational speaker palava ðŸ¤£). I kept typing, taking pictures and recording videos I thought I'd be able to edit and upload right here for Blog-not-Mas and I even got through a few paragraphs for episode 4. Just look at how many paragraphs I had typed below:
Tap for clearer screenshot. It's the title for me. It would have made such an hilarious episode

It was going to be juicy Christmas gists, tons of food pictures and my weird dancing from then on. Alas, my body, Lagos weather and the blog gods were not on my side.😂 I got so sick that I couldn't even enjoy the Christmas I had been anticipating, and the annoying part was my body wasn't even responding to medication fast enough. One minute I'm feeling better, the next I'm back to feeling terrible. So I did the next best thing - take an early break off social media to just be.

I'm so glad I did because the last 9 or so weeks did me a whole lot of good. Not only did I heal in my body, I healed in my mind and soul. I spent that time just rekindling love for myself, my family, food, places, pictures, the weather (which was surprisingly great) and seemingly simple things like seeing children play and laugh, spilling food while eating, watching a movie from start to finish and laughing till my face hurt.

By the first week of January, I was in a good space but I had to learn to form a habit of living in the true sense of the word - enjoying the moments and not getting sucked up in the noise in and around the world wide web. So I stayed off the radar a little longer.

Now that I'm back, I'm so excited to share with you as many life changing posts, fun gists, stories and songs as the Holy Spirit leads me. In the meantime, I need to let you know I've been drinking. A lot!
You will find out all about my Drinking escapades if you stick around till my next post. 😉

Thank you so much for reading today's post, and for bearing with me during my break off the blog.

Once again, I wish you a truly Happy New Year.
See you on the next post.

💛 x 💡


  1. Happy new year
    I missed you here
    I trust you are much better

    1. Thank you so much, my darling.
      Happy new year to you too. 😘

  2. Replies
    1. Yaayyy. I'm glad it worked. 😀
      Happy new year to you too.🤗


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