
The first time I tasted alcohol was in 2016. I was newly married and was very "new" to the whole marriage consummation thing.
Let me pause here to say I'm not going to use any funny slang to describe normal, permissible, God-given "enjoyment" between married couples. Are we clear? 
Ehen. Let's go on. 😂
Oh wait. If you're not old enough for this grown-up talk, this is the best time to stop reading or better still, skip the next 2 paragraphs. But I don't trust you guys, so just skip today's episode and come back when a new blog post drops. I'm just kidding; keep reading. 😂

As I was saying, I was a virgin, with a capital letter 'V', novice of life, with absolutely no clue as to how difficult it could be to "make way" (I know I said I won't use funny slangs, but alas, here we are. Forgive me. I've stabbed my comfort zone and shyness to share today's post. So bear with me if I still don't spell things out completely. 😂)
After a few attempts on different days (I won't tell you how many days 😂), I was already stressed and worried because I felt like I was being too gentle with myself. I know my threshold for pain is so little but haba, this was something we've been looking forward to. I started feeling bad for hubs sef but my gentleman of life always knew how to get me out of my yeye mood with different jokes and encouraging words. We also didn't keep quiet. We confided in a couple-friend of ours and they advised we try some things, which we did but 'eez' like my brand-newness was on another level. 😂

Amidst the counsel and a bit of googling, getting me drunk became an option. 😂 So off Hubs went to buy Smirnoff. Yes, Smirnoff with 5% alcohol or less. That's what Hubs got for me, because according to him, since it would be my first time taking alcohol, he didn't think it would be safe for me to start my drinking with something strong. He also didn't want to get any bitter alcoholic drink so that I won't be discouraged; Smirnoff was the only option we could think of.😂
The rationale behind getting me drunk was so that I would be high and not feel the pain as much. So I agreed. Anything to make way, abi?
I won't bore you with the drama that ensued between getting to taste alcohol and actually getting drunk. I think back now about the whole thing and I can't help but laugh. That was the day I knew I was a big baby, first class type. 😂🤣
Small Smirnoff, as people will say, I was just behaving anyhow. My head was light, I was happy, and I was just laughing at the slightest thing. The worst part is we still couldn't achieve the purpose of getting me drunk that day but I tasted alcohol and experienced "feeling high".

While on my recovery break (like I mentioned in my last episode), I focused on getting drunk on something else. I recalled that experience out of the blues and truly desired the feeling of being high on God's presence, not having a single worry in the world, and I went after satisfying that desire.
At first, I didn't know how to quench that hunger and thirst but God who saw the desire of my heart, got my mentor to forward a message from an ongoing program to me and that was it.

You will notice I didn't start blog posts for the year asking or talking about goals and resolutions. And here is why:
For the first time in almost all my years of growing up, I had no clue what I was going into the year to achieve - no goals, no resolutions, no plans, no people to cut off 😀 (should we talk about this obsessive need to cut people off without just cause apart from the need to join the "new year, new me" gang, at the beginning of the year in another post? Let me know in the comments).
I was blank and honestly, I can't remember the last time I was this blank. And I knew it wasn't because I was overwhelmed or stressed about anything. I had deliberately tuned off the noise around me and was resting in the true sense of the word. So this should have been the time to hear clearly, plan with a clear head and write till I have a whole book full of goals, right? Alas, there was nothing.

But here's what I started doing after the first message my mentor sent me. I started searching for ways to fill that hunger, quench that thirst, fill that void that I knew was there but couldn't place a finger on till late last year, which is summed up in getting drunk on God - getting so filled with His spirit, clearing the way for him. The same way Hubs and I were researching and trying different things till we got to alcohol (which I never tasted again, because I'm too lightheaded 😂) to achieve a goal, that's how I sought for what to fill my spirit and soul.

I was blank anyway, so why not give God the space to fill up, I thought. I completely let it all go, not by my own strength I must add. Like every human being, there's a constant urge to have a plan, know what to do per time and so on. Preachers, coaches, motivational speakers, mentors, leaders, parents and guardians always advise you don't go into the year unprepared. Even the bible says write the vision, make it plain. But for the first time, it seemed there was nothing to write. So I just rested the weight of my being and my cluelessness on the Holy Spirit - like, just help me because as I am like this, I don't know what I'm doing this 2022 o 😀.
So you see why I had to take extra days off to just be. I didn't want to come online and see people with 1st quarter goals all spelt out, that would now put me under pressure to be writing what God has not given me as a plan.

After baring myself to God, with all my vulnerabilities and cluelessness, the tables flipped. Messages I needed to hear were coming to me (my mentor also taught me to pray for this. I mean, ask God to bring your way what you need to see, read, listen to, per time), songs, scriptures, guidance, ideas, and so on started coming to me.
And boy, did I get drunk on hours and hours of messages, prayers, songssss.

The result? I'm loving every bit of just staying high in God's presence (just that feeling of "nothing else matters but God"; some type of joy that can't be put to words because it doesn't tally with one's physical circumstances; peace that engulfs and a day-by-day direction on what to do.)

While I want to explain the ABCs of how I'm drinking and how to get drunk from the well that won't run dry, the main purpose of this post is to let someone out there without a plan for the year or month or even the next phase of your life know that you're not abnormal and worrying over not having a plan solves nothing. Instead, why don't you drink and forget your worries, like I've been doing.

One sure way to do that is to literally ask God to take up the space in your heart and exchange the worries in it for His presence. Say it like that as a genuine prayer. And then speak in the Holy Ghost. Just speak in tongues as much as you can, because trust me, most times we don't even know what to pray or what we want or need per time. But God knows and the Holy Spirit knows how to translate our cares and burdens in ways that would align with God's will for us.

Finally, get resources (sleep on YouTube, you will find messages and songs) that will aid your drinking desires and groanings. Songs are really great and one song I've been listening to every single day since it dropped is "Drink" by Ty Bello. So powerful. I can't even listen to the song without praying, it's so weird in a good way.😀

I'll end today's already lengthy post with my favourite parts of the song. (Please pardon me for the unplanned length of today's post and thank you for reading till the end).

"Come Away, come Away
As the Father Calls you
Out from the Noise
Come, Sit Have a Drink

Find your Place at his Table
The Spirit’s Bubbling
Over from Within
As you Drink

Come and Drink
Come Away in the Spirit
Till your Heart
Is Overflowing with Life
Come and Drink
Come Away, come Away
There’s so much more
In the Deep
Come Away from it all
Come Away come and Rest
Drink to the Full /2x
Drink till you’re Drunk
With the Holy Ghost

Till the next post,
Keep drinking till you're full. 😉

Meditate on this:
Psalms 55:22
"Cast your burden on the Lord [release it] and He will sustain and uphold you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken (slip, fall, fail)." - [AMP]
"Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders— he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out. He’ll never let good people topple into ruin." - [MSG]


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